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Overheating combi-plasma blowing up vehicles?


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Hi, so this might be an unintended interaction, but lot of CSM vehicles can take combi-plasma. Now, if you would roll 1 on supercharched plasma, does it mean it kills the entire vehicle? I know there are vehicle-specific plasma weapons that are worded to prevent this, but as in case of combi-plasmas, overheating kills the bearer. Or am I missing something?
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Unlikely to be an oversight - looks like the only versions that dont kill outright are the Storm Raven heavy plasma which does 1 mortal wound adn the Heavy plasmas on the Russ Demolisher which do a straight 6 Damage to the russ. the moral is DONT overcharge your plasmas on a vehicle unless its an end of game hail mary which you absolutely HAVE to risk.

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Yep its just a risk you have to live with BUT big but here, its not a risk you have to take, just dont supercharge and your fine. Its kind of like being hit by a bus right? If your in the road and a bus is coming at you at 50mph it will kill you but just dont stand in the road and you wont be hit the bus.

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