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So ive played a few games of 8th and im starting to wrap my head round it.


First impressions are that mobs of boyz seem great, but what do we take with them?


I start my lists with 80 boyz and a biker warboss to follow them in and let them waaaaagh, but when it comes to the rest of the list i feel like im just chucking things in ( mostly because i havent tried a lot of stuff ). What do you guys think?



Im planning my next 1500 game, nobs in trukks supporting 60 kommandos and snikrot. I think itll be good if i can get the first turn and charge in to tie up a few things.

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Sounds like a nasty list already. If it's not too serious of a game just take things you want and see how it goes. It sounds like you have a good plan already. It's more or less about the same plan I had in my games. How many Kommandos are in each mob? I'm thinking about trying 3 mobs of 5 and maybe 1 mobs of 15. Holding the board down with bodies is a good idea. 
I guess what you should take is anything that will help you with your plan. Not to sound silly, I mean if my army is going to the other end of the board then I want nothing important left behind or left back out of range.  I'd add 30 or 40 frot to the list to keep the space behind any of my advancing unit full of bodies so we can't be flanked to the rear by anything, Keep that no go zone. Maybe look into moving fire power?  
It's hard to recommend anything with out knowing what you have available.

This was da plan!


Me abd my friends arent tournament competitive, but equally we like to win. In 7th my orks were universally feared, i even managed to put down a necron decurion force using a kan wall style list haha.


I figured here the kommandos can pop out and charge, a 9 on two dice with a re roll isnt that hard ive found. Then the nobs come screaming up the table to slam into any hard targets. Or i can play defensively and infiltrate onto objectives.


Im just not sure whatre good supportin units for boyz anymore, i used to always take deffkoptas, bikes, mek gunz etc.


But now its hard to choose. More playtesting needed i suppose.




++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Orks) [36 PL, 645pts] ++


+ HQ +


Boss Snikrot [4 PL, 69pts]


+ Elites +


Kommandos [8 PL, 144pts]

. Boss Nob: Big Choppa

. 12x Kommando

. Kommando W/ 'Eavy Weapon: Burna

. Kommando W/ 'Eavy Weapon: Burna


Kommandos [8 PL, 144pts]

. Boss Nob: Big Choppa

. 12x Kommando

. Kommando W/ 'Eavy Weapon: Burna

. Kommando W/ 'Eavy Weapon: Burna


Kommandos [8 PL, 144pts]

. Boss Nob: Big Choppa

. 12x Kommando

. Kommando W/ 'Eavy Weapon: Burna

. Kommando W/ 'Eavy Weapon: Burna


Kommandos [8 PL, 144pts]

. Boss Nob: Big Choppa

. 12x Kommando

. Kommando W/ 'Eavy Weapon: Burna

. Kommando W/ 'Eavy Weapon: Burna


++ Vanguard Detachment (Orks) [71 PL, 854pts] ++


+ HQ +


Warboss [4 PL, 89pts]: Attack Squig, Big Choppa, Power Klaw


+ Elites +


Meganobz [10 PL, 162pts]

. Boss Meganob w/ PK: Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw

. Meganob W/ PK: Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw

. Meganob W/ PK: Kustom Shoota, Power Klaw


Nobz [21 PL, 165pts]

. Boss Nob: Ammo Runt, Power Klaw, Slugga

. Nob: Power Klaw, Slugga

. Nob: Big Choppa, Slugga

. Nob: Choppa, Slugga

. Nob: Choppa, Slugga

. Nob: Choppa, Slugga


Nobz [21 PL, 165pts]

. Boss Nob: Ammo Runt, Power Klaw, Slugga

. Nob: Power Klaw, Slugga

. Nob: Big Choppa, Slugga

. Nob: Choppa, Slugga

. Nob: Choppa, Slugga

. Nob: Choppa, Slugga


+ Dedicated Transport +


Trukk [5 PL, 91pts]: Rokkit Launcha, Wreckin' Ball


Trukk [5 PL, 91pts]: Rokkit Launcha, Wreckin' Ball


Trukk [5 PL, 91pts]: Rokkit Launcha, Wreckin' Ball


++ Total: [107 PL, 1499pts] ++

Ive found in the few games i've had, that if you don't have good/reliable ranged anti-tank (which Orks don't...) a great way to neutralise a tank is to get in combat with it. 

Some tanks ignore this (Baneblade for example, that i faced the other day or flying tanks) but most don't. They have to spend a turn disengaging before they can shoot you again.


Im hoping that i can tie them up long enough with the 60 kommandos for my Nobz to reach the tough stuff and start pulling it apart.

The power-stabbas do look nice, I was tempted by them, but with points so tight i decided to go with the choppa and plus one attack.

I'm looking at loading a ten man gang of Flash Gitz into a Squiggoth - instant mobile bunker that can't be tied down in combat :tongue.: Bit of a Death Star true, but if it draws fires it lets the big mobs cross the board without getting casualties. Will see how it plays out sometime this weekend...

How did the Flash Gitz and Squiggoth do?  I really want to get 2 of those really cool looking models and I am considering what I want to ride around in them.


Welp, finally got that game in - the Squiggoth worked well as a DISTRACTION which allowed my three mobs of boyz to make it up the field. Then we got into a fight with eldar banshees and slowly whittled through 'em.


Squiggoth itself didn't achieve much, and my opponent didn't bother engaging it in melee - the Flash Gits performed admirably however! Lots of fire thrown out, and a lucky Overwatch + Melee took out Lelith Hesperax ^_^


However, overall I think it is better to load ten Burnas into the Squiggoth instead, their short range more sure to be offset by the squiggoth's superior move. Also, can embarked models overwatch if their open topped transport is charged? If so the squiggoth becomes a very effective linebreaker...

Not sure on the Squiggoth (not got my FW index yet) but the open top vehicles in the regular index only allow passengers to shoot in the shooting phase, so no overwatch for them as I understand it.


From what I've heard the Squiggoths allow you to fire out even if the Squiggoth is in combat, but do not allow you to shoot the unit it is fighting. Seems that would be quite annoying for burna boyz. My plan is to load up my Gargantuan with tankbustas. Ideally I'd have a force field Mek in there as well, but I think it only effects vehicles if it is embarked, so might just have him stand next to it.

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