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Bikes? Chaos White Scars?


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So, I haven't played in 10+ years and I started collecting again at the end of 7th. From what I saw bikes were the be all end all jam for us at that time. That in mind I acquired a whole bunch of chaos knights to mix with HH bitz so as to make good looking chaos marines in Mk III & IV and a bunch of "bikers" on steeds. They seemed mandatory and fun to convert but I got about halfway through 13 or so when the new edition dropped. Haven't seen any talk on them in this edition, but I love that the new charts allow for a pure bike army. I recently read all the Dornian Hereay stuff and that got me thinking nasty thoughts about evil white scars on horseback!

PS on holiday but when I can figure out how to get this site to coexist with my iPhone I will post pics of the collection... tips welcome

Edited by El_Dicko
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Bikes are not that good in 8th, that is why people aren't talking about them much. They aren't that good for melee. Anti tank is done better by other units. And I don't think we have goo enough aura buffs right now to warrent having HQs runing driving around buffing different units.

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