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So I've been getting my guard army off he ground and have gotten to the point where I'm trying to figure out what infantry I want to do for my regular infantry.


So I'm deciding to do either cadians with Arcadian helmets from Victoria games head swaps or to instead go with trench coat guard either using wargames factory shock troops with cadian lasguns and a different helmet. Or go with the anvil industries regiments.


The cadians have a cool WW2 America G.I look to them which I like a lot. However it may end up being too boring. Here's what I have in mind: https://www.google.com/search?q=arcadian+cadians&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS715US716&hl=en-US&prmd=misvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjB1Nq3_9_UAhXpjFQKHaNSDHQQ_AUICigC&biw=320&bih=492#imgrc=VsH7rQyvYi_C7M:


The death korps look I would go and use death korps of Krieg forgeworld models with base Standard wargames factory shock troops. I really like the grimdark and completely unique feeling to the army, however I lose that WW2 look, instead for a grimdark WW1 look. I would use these guys as my base unit : https://www.dakkadakka.com/s/i/at/at2/2010/12/9/8278190567936d85f17601940618a2a8_12539.jpg


Some of examples of the anvil industries: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS715US716&hl=en-US&biw=320&bih=492&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=3lhTWYKkL6bS0gKI4ZbICA&q=anvil+industry+regiments+greatcoats&oq=anvil+industry+regiments+greatcoats&gs_l=mobile-gws-img.3...770.2978.0.3151.


A third option would be an amalgamation Of the two. Having trenchcoat wearers with regular style helmets perhaps?


Any reccomendations as to how go forward? I've already got a sizes left amount of catachans to supplement all this.

Edited by ThatOneMarshal
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You uh.... you seem to have forgotten to talk about Praetorian Guard? Nothing beats the image of ranks of Guardsmen, splendidly uniformed, wating for the enemy to get right up into their faces before unleashing withering volleys of lasgun fire! Even better (more absurd?) when the enemy consists of bio-engineered killing machines with added claws. Don't shoot till you see the glowing reds of their eyes men!


However you're American I assume, so British Redcoats may not have the same draw for you! If you go the Greatcoat way you could switch easily and without guilt between the Guard codex and Krieg codex, and there are certainly fewer Greatcoat style armies around so that would be my choice.


If you're a military history enthusiast though (you might not be but you never know), why not pick your favourite regiment and model your army on them? The American WW2 G.I. look, painted up in the colours of the 101st and using the Elysian drop troop rules for instance? Add in some British tanks painted up in the colours of the Irish Guards and recreate a portion of Operation Market Garden, but in space? You get the idea! My lads are painted up in the colours of the 33rd West Ridings of Yorkshire regiment for various reasons.

You can do what you like really :) A combined regiment could mix two distinct styles, or you can split them between Platoons and Vets. Greatcoats are pretty cool though and evoke the WWI theme strongly if you want that and there's a good choice of third party bits these days :tu:

Well I have plans in the works for a mix of plastic Cadians with Statuesque Miniatures and Victoria Miniatures female heads, so... I quite like that idea.

On the other hand, Anvil Industry make an AWESOME range of trenchcoated soldiers in all sorts of helmets, hats, gas masks and faceplates. I would go for the not-DKOK option using Anvil parts.

Anvil and Victoria miniatures have great options for customization even on the basic Cadian

I would watch out on the DKOK models though, despite them being awesome looking models their sculpts are a lot smaller than the standard Cadian models and do not lend themselves well to kit bashing.


Check the resources thread for more 3rd party options if you havent already! :)

Mad Robot Miniatures are another alternative; they provide an interesting range. Vietnam-esque, Napoleonic-inspired and so on.


The Third Party Suppliers thread has some decent coverage, at least for infantry. I haven't had the time to start covering vehicles and cavalry yet.

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