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Dreadnought Character


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Back in the day I was sure that there was such as a Dreadnought Chaplain.


Does something like this exist in 8th, our club is doing a tournament of crazy/weird armies and I wanted to field just dreadnoughts, so I need a HQ dreadnought.

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Actually, you have Chaplain Dreadnought Titus of the Howling Gryphons chapter, Bray'arth Ashmantle of the Salamanders chapter and Bjorn the Fell-handed of the Space Wolves, all of them HQ options


You can get the rules of the former in IA Index - Forces of the Adeptus Astartes and the latter in the Imperium Index 1

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There is the Chaplain Dread in IA and he is a badass. He also can't be picked out because he has less than 10 wounds :laugh.:


Omg, a beautiful testament to broken character rules just because someone wanted to sell more Gullimans… :rolleyes:

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