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The Unkindness of Ravens




After returning to the hobby (and this board) after over a decade, I decided it's time to reveal what I've been working on in secret. Great thanks to both my old friend Insane Psychopath as well as Plokoone for inspiration, feedback and materials.

Seriously, if you need custom shoulderpads and you aren't getting them from Plokoone you are making a mistake.


Also, HUGE thanks to Aurelius Rex for the gift he gave me without knowing. His creativity sparked mine. Same with Badaboom whose artwork was superb.


I knew when I came back it would be Chaos, but I also knew I had no interest in rehashing old ground with the Night Lords. Indeed I felt both the Legion and I moved on and in different ways, and I learned whatever I was going to do, I wanted as much creative freedom as possible. I wanted something I could make truly mine. At the same time, I wanted to in a way do it in honor of this board I used to call home. A place of constant inspiration.


I have decided to return to the hobby and 40k with Raven Guard.


Dornian Heresy Raven Guard





With the opening of the Cicatrix Maledictum, the Imperium is two minutes to midnight.

The Great Architect is pulling out all the stops. This includes not just tampering with the fluidity of reality but timelines as well. Covens of the Raven Guard legion, who serve Tzeentch in the Dornian Heresy timeline, have been pulled into our reality to act as a wild card.


Amongst these covens in the The Unseen Hand, who I plan on first representing with a Shadow War warband, expanding it slowly into a 2k army. The time frame on that expansion is entirely dependant on when GW finally updates the CSM to true scale alá the Primaris marine sculpts.


In the meantime, I'm using cultists to represent the coven's Initiates and the FW Gal Vorbak models for my Raven Guard. I chose them as the base because they literally look in a state of physical flux, perfect for those who control "form following desire".

Visual inspirations are body horror classics, old and new. Videodrome, The Thing, The Void, etc.






To start with, some work on my Warband leader.

Dhar'sis Viddik, the Singer of Songs, one of the Shadow Kings of The Unseen Hand.


I started by hacking off the head. I went with a head sporting a mohawk because as far as leaders go that is kind of my trademark - it links them back to my mohawked self

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Thanks all for the kind words. It's good to be back.

Ooooh Dornian Heresy, haven't seen a blog for that in a while. He's looking good, nice conversion. I'm interested to see how you'll capture the horror of Dornian Heresy Raven Guard, as it hasn't been pictured apparently.

That was one driving factor for me - Aurelius and Badaboom left it so wonderfully open in terms of aesthetics I could really go nuts with it. Escape the "spiky marine" CSM look and tap into the Realm of Chaos era stuff more.

I gave myself very few guidelines in regards to the project.


- Cultists/Initiates would be masked and very generic looking. Only real signature on them would be the fleshtone. These are psykers the coven have abducted (see the short story I wrote titled "The Witch"). Implanted with geneseed and begun training. Watching how it all takes hold. If the Initiate will come to control his own for or de-evolve.



- All members of the Raven Guard would have a Legion shoulder pad and/or a Tzeentchian shoulder pad. This would prove tricky on the gal vorbak sculpts, but removing the detail from their shoulderpads, smoothing the surface out and using GS molds helped.




I feel super fortunate that my sculpting skills didnt atrophy too much after ten years. Literally every time I picked up the dental pick I thought "this is where you are gonna much it all up"

Seeing Dornian Heresy stuff makes me happy on so many levels. Fantastic use of parts and stellar work with GS! I've done a MK16 Ultramarine, and am planning to do some Necron Iron Hands, but seeing your work makes me want to try a Raven Guard too! Definitely looking forward to seeing more from this project!

Great to see others excited about the Dornian Heresy - doubly so now with the Primaris marines being excellent choices for conversion. Surely I can't be the only one who saw the Riever squads and though Dornian Heresy Night Lords
Wow, such flawless execution. I envy your talent, and have to admit I despise you because this has kindled an urge to create some Dornian Fists, dammit... Edited by Spinsanity

Thanks so much for the kind words. The Fists/Black Legion would be a great project to see. While in standard fluff everyone looks at Big Blue suspiciously I always felt Dorn's pride and masochistic streak made him a far more likely suspect to fall.



So I built two operatives for Shadow War, ignoring the Terminator for now because to be honest I have no clue how to true scale that AND make it look like an Annihilator(Obliterator).


First we have what was also a prototype for my army's Raptors, as I knew exactly how these guys were going to be done.


Shrii'darin Zaii





Sweet! I love the concept of the Dornian Heresy, and i don't think i've seen anyone tackling the RG. Somehow the heavily mutated bird demons seems way more fitting for Tzeentch than egyptian ghost marines hehe. 


Anyways, I love that you've done with the Gal Vobrak mini, the sole wing looks great. I'm eagerly awating more. 

Yeah it took a long time for me to appreciate the idea of God of Change's agents being this ghost legion frozen and changeless. Interesting but not for me.

Thanks again for the feedback, folks. I appreciate it.

Edited by Viddik

Holy hell these are great! Whats the base model of the unraveled?


Superb work so far!

That would be Nightmaw, Sayl the Faithless's pet Spawn. With Sayl being, according to the online AoS community, the most undercosted AoS model ForgeWorld sells, Nightmaw is most likely easy to find on eBay, I assume... :smile.:


And I second the sentiment, that counts-as-Maulerfiend Unraveled is simply astounding! Amazing work so far! :wub:

Very, very cool stuff!

The conversions are top notch, among the best things I've seen so far. I'd even like to ask you if it was okay for me to feature them on my blog, but unfortunately, I don't have one.
So I can just go on and tell you how awesome I think your Ravens are.

Good to see some more Dornian Heresy round here!

Thanks so much for all the kind words and encouragement. It's been over ten years since i have done anything hobby related and honestly I pretty much have been hyperventilating through the entire process. Certainly feel I returned to gaming on the hardest difficulty

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