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Hey folks,

Photobucket has been acting sketchy but wanted to provide a few WiP shots of Khouran Nix




The Warband is almost halfway done and I'll be soon starting work on my OTHER project for the upcoming global campaign - my first actual army in years. Keep an eye out for that!

And now for something a tad different.

A while back, I wrote a short story on these forums titled "The Witch" (it can be found here - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/329792-inspirational-friday-2017-the-witch-until-526/page-4?do=findComment&comment=4740503 )

For those wondering what happened to the boy, T'saii...


The initiates are a tricky prospect as I really intended for them to be underwhelming. "Small" and "earthly" was the terms I wrote in my conceptual stage. The only hint as to what's to come is their palor, proof that the geneseed is taking hold. Geneseed alone isn't proof an initiate will survive to become a full Raven Guard however, as they must exercize control over their form as well.


A spotty week of overtime equaled out by tiny cultists means progress overall as Kraul joins his kin.


And a shot of the coven thus far.



Only two more initiates and operatives to go. This weekend however I tackle the biggest challenge.


Holy :cuss: Viddik, your Tzeentchian Ravens are astounding, I love the Dprnian Heresy so it's really gratifying to see such skilled folk as yourself keeping the old girl alive through projects like this. Going for the DH Raven Guard was a rather gutsy decision given the inherent challenge of faithfully portraying their horrific, ever-morphing forms, one I must applaud.

In fact, the only criticism I can muster though it might just be personal taste, is the rather monochrome nature of your models. Aside from the small bits of blood on some of your Ravens they are almost entirely black and white, which makes them a little drab colour-wise, therefore I suggest adding blue-indigo energies spilling forth from cracks in their armour, from cult markings and feathers like in this original artwork for the DH RG;


Your Ravens are looking awesome, dude! The Gal Vorbak kit works really week with the morphing nature of DH RG, imo, so well done! :) I'd echo SanguiniusReborn though - adding a spot colour would help make the model pop.


Keep up the great work!

I do have to say, Khouran Nix looks great. That model is by far my favorite chaos model of all time, and you've done an excellent job with him!


As well, do your Raven Guard have a particular chaos allegiance? 

Edited by Terimus

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