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Chaos Decimator loadout

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Has anyone tried this guy in a game yet? Two soulburners sound awesome on one, but I'm a little worried if he get tied up in combat he won't be able to get out. So maybe the claw with hellflamer and the soul burner on the other arm? Assault 2d3 mortal wounds sounds too good to pass up. Please let me know if someone has some experience with him. Thanks!
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I just played against him and it's quickly becoming a unit I'd like to get myself.


It surprised me that for a Daemon engine it has such a good BS. That Cannon if I recall is an assault Cannon so you can advance and use it at minus 1 bs.


With a 10" move (I think but don't quote me) I think it does dual duty as a minor Mortal wound machine that would work with my Thousand Sons and there is the risk of hurting yourself unless you can get near an aura. But overall I really like the unit.

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I've used the dual soulburner petard Decimator a few times and it's very good. I don't think the CCW is worth it tbh as it's only +2S, go with dual soulburners and screen it with Cultists. I'm running 3-4 of them. The ability to put 4d3 mortal wounds on stuff makes them better than heavy flamers vs. hordes and utterly murders monsters. I had one take out a Swarmlords Hive Guard in one turn of shooting. Decimators have a profile that doesn't change, recover a wound automatically (I am going to run a Hellwright next game too for an extra d3 wounds) and they are fast and can even advance and shoot the petards (-1BS). Finally, they're Daemons so stick the Changeling with them and call them Tzeentch for a -1 to ht them.


If you're worried about getting pinned in combat then the contemptor can take dual claw/chainfist with soulburners built in, same range but only 2d3 moral wounds. He is nasty in combat though, however I'm finding that against high volume attacks (i.e. charged by Stealers) it doesn't make any odds, he gets either tarpitted or killed.


TL:DR Personally, I'd go dual petard Decimators all day long. They're very solid for the low points cost.

Edited by Dallas Drake
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I really like the looks of one but with dual C beam cannons sure it has to stay stationary (so a bubble of poxwalkers can be good if any units get too close in assault ) for 150pts with the two cannons it can target both multiwound targets and squads with ease. If it's more than 24 away from the target it gains +2 Str plus D3 extra damage, and if a gun kills at least one model of a unit then that unit suffers an additional 2d6 hits per gun (2 C beam cannons will do 4D6 :D ) I plan on running a dual C beam cannon one as a multiwound sniper while another two dual petard ones charge forward :D Edited by Plaguecaster
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I've used the dual soulburner petard Decimator a few times and it's very good. I don't think the CCW is worth it tbh as it's only +2S, go with dual soulburners and screen it with Cultists. I'm running 3-4 of them. The ability to put 4d3 mortal wounds on stuff makes them better than heavy flamers vs. hordes and utterly murders monsters. I had one take out a Swarmlords Hive Guard in one turn of shooting. Decimators have a profile that doesn't change, recover a wound automatically (I am going to run a Hellwright next game too for an extra d3 wounds) and they are fast and can even advance and shoot the petards (-1BS). Finally, they're Daemons so stick the Changeling with them and call them Tzeentch for a -1 to ht them.


If you're worried about getting pinned in combat then the contemptor can take dual claw/chainfist with soulburners built in, same range but only 2d3 moral wounds. He is nasty in combat though, however I'm finding that against high volume attacks (i.e. charged by Stealers) it doesn't make any odds, he gets either tarpitted or killed.


TL:DR Personally, I'd go dual petard Decimators all day long. They're very solid for the low points cost.

I thought the contemptor could only take one CC arm now?

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iirc, can have 2 melee arms, but only one shooty arm.  if you want 2 shooty arms, the decimator provides a (slightly cheaper, slightly weaker) alternative that can do that.


It's also entirely possible that the restriction against 2 gun arms on the chaos contemptor is a mistake.  It was allowed in the past, and there are, lets be honest, a lot of mistakes in the FW indeces.  Understandably so, but still.  So it's possible errata might open up the option in the future.  But for the moment, the chaos dread equivalent roles seem to be:


helbrute: cheapish, long-to-melee ranged versatile

decimator: more expensive, medium range mortal wounds

contemptor: more expensive yet, melee and short range mortal wounds

deredero: even more expensive yet, long range dakka

leviathan: arm and a leg, mid-to-melee ranged versatile

Edited by malisteen
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I ordered two decimators with double soulburner petrards for my Epidemius list. 8d3 mortal wounds upon bs 3 hits (likely rerolling 1s) at 24" should be fantastic for improving the Epidemius tally.

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