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[SWA] Rules Questions


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As I have been playing Shadow War Armageddon with a friend, a few rules questions has come up:


- The Entrance/Promethium tank - Can they be destroyed by shooting at them?


- When you charge a Sentry, does the alarm go off once you are inside thier iniativ value?


- Armour modifiers in close combat, lets say we have a Scout Sergeant with a combat blade, now from what  I understand the armour mod will be -1 for S4. How does that work with lets say a power sword, would the mod be -3 as per the weapon profile or would it be a totalt of -5 due to the weapon aswell as the strenght bonus? Same thing goes for Power Maul, do you get the armour mod for strenght or do the enemy get full armour?


- Does camo gear effect the short range on the weapons? lets say I have a laspistol and that Im inside 8", do I get the +1 to hit or do I need to be inside 4"?


These are just the ones that came up in my head atm, more will surely follow.


/Cheers Rangeltoft

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