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Combat abilities and counter defence stratagems

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Okay so something that came up today. I had my warlord with 1 wound left, charged by some striking scorpions (other charges elsewhere were made too).


So after my opponent used his first unit to attack another unit, I then used the counter defence stratagem to chose my character next to fight with.


So as I'm about to roll my attack dice, my oponent declares he's going to use his mandiblasters first. Which killed my character before he actually got to swing, after using my stratagems to essentially save him.



The wording on the mandiblasters is "at the beginning of the fight phase".


So even though I paid to fight first, the wording on his ability meant he got to basically attack first anyway.



Is this correct? Because it seems to be. Which made me sad haha

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Things are given specific times they can be performed in a turn for a reason.  If he wanted to use mandiblasters he should have said so at the start of the fight phase, not after seeing how some other combat played out first.  If you want to be nice and let him step back in the turn order then you should also get your CP back that you could NOT have spent before he used mandiblasters if he had done so when he was supposed to.


It's done and in the past now so it doesn't matter any more.  So for what it's worth, he should have at least given you the CP back since your decision to spend them was a direct result of him playing out of order.

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Yes and no. He needed to blaster first (to be a super stickler for the rules) before doing anything also. To simplify things this is totally correct.

Very much this. If something is at the start of the fight phase or after charging it needs to be done right away. If he chose to skip it and do something else then you'd have every right to hold him to it. Either you both jump back to before you used to command points or he had to wait for you to finish attacking.

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