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Favorites Templar Moment


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For purpose of the post, I'll quote an old Supreme Court Justice "I know when it when I see it." Or perhaps another way, what was a moment in the fluff written by Forged World, Games Workshop, or Black Library, that best sums of what it means to be a Black Templar and furthermore why we are who we are.


For me, during Helsreach, when everyone's favorite Chaplain says "Out of my City." That moment for me defined why I am a Black Templar. For Grimaldus also wished to protect the people of Armageddon, but he believed in the necessity of launching an aggressive attack that would slay Warboss and break the Ork onslaught. While the Salamader wanted to protect the citizens of Helsreach but well protecting them. Before Grimaldus told him to leave "my city." The Salamander asked Grimaldus to lead his men in prayer.


That is a massive honor, as described in the book. But more so, it showed what if meant to be an Astartes. How isolationist these chapters were. But also why they each Marine is another Marine's brother. For blood spread thin is still blood.


Even this moment of rare comrade and honor, displayed how far removed these essentially cousins were from each other. Where both of them are Space Marines, one however born of Vulkan, and the other a Scion of Dorn. Almost incompatible their respective world views where. It told me, what being an Astartes, Scion of Dorn and a Black Templar meant all at the same time.

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My favorite was in the same book and also was Grimaldus, when they were getting ready for battle and someone said something about how could they beat so many Orks, and he replied "The same way we always have. With bolter and blade."
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I'm not sure what my favorite moment is but I can think of two I really like for various reasons. First is Grimaldus commanding the Princeps Majoris and her Titan to stand up after being crippled by the Orks, it really shows how much weight his words have that he could command a Titan not to die. Second is Bastilan (or maybe Artarion?) trying to temper Priamus' disgust with the Salamanders, I think it shows that the Templars, while zealous, aren't fools and still respect the tactical differences between themselves and their brother Astartes.


A couple honorable mentions are from Crusaders of Dorn. The main character (Brusc?) shows mercy and spares the life of a mother and child he was ordered to slaughter, showing that he still has some humanity and compassion. Another character in the book is a dreadnought who at the time of his death finds pleasure in feeling the sun and breathing fresh air one last time through the damage in the sarcophagus. He even remembers his childhood for a moment again showing that he is still human in some way despite his centuries of war and indoctrination.

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My favorite was in the same book and also was Grimaldus, when they were getting ready for battle and someone said something about how could they beat so many Orks, and he replied "The same way we always have. With bolter and blade."


Grimaldus wasn't the one who said that.  He was too busy moping. :teehee:


Templars forming the sacrificial rear guard in the retreat from Cadia was a nice moment, though it's not exactly fleshed out beyond a paragraph or two.  There's room for interpretation as to the motivation.  A noble sacrifice to save the greater force, a determination to meet the enemy and purge the unclean in spite of inevitable defeat, fulfilling vows to protect Cadia, etc.  

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Ah crap, I think it might be time for me to reread Helsreach a little.


On the topic of sacrifice, there was also an that amazing moment where a Black Templar dove into a squad of Orks as his squad of conscripts was falling back and they stopped just to Star in awe for a moment before the stormtrooper Andrej bellowed at them to keep shooting. The Templar was being dragged down and stabbed and his chainsword fell from his hand hanging from its chain for a second and he grabbed it and killed a few more Orks before they finally finished him. It's for this reason I think Ancients are a particularly Templar-y choice.


Self sacrifice comes from our Dorn lineage. Black Templars don't like to give up ground unwillingly. They might outwardly justify it as protecting others or fulfilling vows but I think they deep down have the same tendency for a guilt complex Dorn does. They might simply stay put because they choose to, and damn anyone or anything that tries to move them.

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In the book "Eternal Crusader" Helbrecht is having doubts about whether appointing Grimaldus to Reclusiarch was the correct decision. My favorite moment in that book is when Helbrecht strikes Grimaldus in the face with his bionic arm as part of the ceremony.

"Helbrecht watched Grimaldus' face carefully. He yearns to strike me back, he thought. This is fitting, this is right. Mordred was wise in his selection. I am not wrong to honour his wish"


This book is more from Helbrecht's point of view, and while I enjoy Grimaldus' character in Helsreach, the High Marshall was always a more impressive character to me. The way that despite significant loss or defeat, He continues to crusade is almost as inspiring as the revenge he took on Imotec the stormlord.

Edited by Kontakt
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Although not as popular as Helsreach, one of my most favorite Templar moments was in Graham McNeill's Gods of Mars novel, when 3 Templars (one of them being an Emperor's Champion) had to fend off a legion of what I can only describe as Necron Flayed Ones made out of crystal with nothing but a Chainsword, the Black Sword and a combat knife...


holding on to the principle of the Black Sword must remain in Black hands, until there is none left to wield it, they played hot potato with it until the end, the Emperor's Champion slew many a great foe, cutting enemies in twain with his two brothers covering his sides, then he fell, and the sword was passed on to another, and the two remaining Templars fought back to back, passing the Black Sword between them and cutting a bloody swathe, the end of the fight saw the both of them slain, but their objective was complete, and the enemy was destroyed... and that was epic...


Also, another great Templar moment that was obscured, was just the sheer fact that a small sized Crusade managed to catch Cypher in just their first try... meanwhile, the DA have been trying to catch him for 10,000 years...

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