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Cypher, Fallen, & Dark Angels: Faction Imperium

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Hello Sons of the Lion,


After a long hiatus, I'm back in the game with 8th edition. I am planning a Chaos army with Cypher & Fallen. However, I noticed that they share the Faction Imperium keyword with Dark Angels & other Astartes. I like the idea of using one army for two factions, as long as the models fit the descriptions required for both. Not all units may fit, but basic troops could, as well as the new Primaris.


There is no restriction in the Index Chaos or the Index Imperium I for Cypher and the Dark Angels to exclude each other.


Am I missing something in the books? Please, I would like to know. 

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You aren't missing anything the Index's were simply a quick release of all the data slates so we can get playing. Once the Dark Angels or Heretic Astartes stand alone codex is released I'm sure there will be a restriction in there again like there was previous.

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Ooh, so I can have some treasonous fun until then? :wink:


Nah, what's the fun if the new codex would only change it anyway? I haven't played since 3rd edition, so I'm already used to Cypher being with Chaos Space Marines. I was surprised while looking through the Indexes. Some friends who got me back into the game told be about the Gathering Storm and how Cypher was working with Guilliman and so on. I could hardly believe it. 


I bought the Dark Imperium box, and although the chaos models are nice - I'm used to chaos being more spiky and less warped - , I was thinking of using the Primaris with Cypher and his Fallen. Working with Dark Angels would be a stretch, I suppose - Hunt the Fallen and all that. I could always build and play the Primaris as a Dark Angels successor for now. When the codexes put a restraining order on using Cypher with Dark Angels, I could make them a generic space marine chapter being misled by him. 


There are a lot of possibilities. Thanks for replying. For Luther the Lion! 

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Yes, and now Cypher can also work with Adeptus Mechanicus and Inquisitors which sounds fun for a thematic force. 


I really want to see what these Primaris can do - which means I may have to take on the mantle of loyalist hero for now. 


Does every DA and successor use robes so extensively? Is it just characters? Primaris doesn't give much choice for this, other than an upcoming Librarian being released. 


I gather the DA's Inner Circle will use their Librarians to monitor the minds of their Primaris brothers, so I may defer to using only Librarians as HQs. 

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Yes, and now Cypher can also work with Adeptus Mechanicus and Inquisitors which sounds fun for a thematic force. 


I really want to see what these Primaris can do - which means I may have to take on the mantle of loyalist hero for now. 


Does every DA and successor use robes so extensively? Is it just characters? Primaris doesn't give much choice for this, other than an upcoming Librarian being released. 


I gather the DA's Inner Circle will use their Librarians to monitor the minds of their Primaris brothers, so I may defer to using only Librarians as HQs. 


Cypher with Adeptus and Inquisition is based on the newest fluff of pilgrimage to Ultramar and Holy Tera. 




Pretty much, yes. The successors adopt the traditions of Dark Angels who, in turn, have them as old knightly order traditions dating back to Caliban. So I would say, robes for the "better" units/characters are really a trademark of Dark Angels. But in the end, it's your models, so do what pleases you. Lack of robes can be greenstuffed and/or wait for Primaris Dark Angel range further down the line.


I think it would be actually more Interrogator-Chaplains overseeing the proper indoctrinations. Then there is the issue that those trusted enough to do the vetting would be still "old marines". So I guess a Primaris force should have Primaris leader, that is accompanied by classical Interrogator Chaplain and Libby.

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Who am I to question traditions? Old Caliban knightly orders sound good. I haven't done major greenstuff fixes in years. I'm always afraid it would come out looking like a layer of clay rather than what it should be. Maybe if I can get it to look like tattered robes? Battle worn, worse for wear knights wouldn't be bad. I don't think I can wait for chapter specific Primaris. 


Okay, so an Interrogator-Chaplain rather than Librarian would be better. Perhaps some of the old guard have undergone the Primaris process to better insert themselves into the Primaris command structure. From what I've heard the new background gives them a century to have done so. 

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Okay, so an Interrogator-Chaplain rather than Librarian would be better. Perhaps some of the old guard have undergone the Primaris process to better insert themselves into the Primaris command structure. From what I've heard the new background gives them a century to have done so. 


No, it actually gives them 120 years to get combat experience, as Girlyman herds 10000 Primaris Marines across galaxy in his crusade. Only after Crusade is finished the boiz are distributed to home chapters or new chapters are set up - barring some events where he did that en-route since it was necessary. So generally, if we were to be where the fluff was, then we are cca 10 years into the chapter distribution.


But fluff will come, so feel free to go ahead and then retcon if necessary :)

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The background isn't that specific to say Primaris distribution happened at the end of the Indomitus Crusade. 


"As the Indomitus Crusade progressed, the Unnumbered Sons had dwindled. Roboute Guilliman took them from their companies and their squads, and he assigned them to understrength Space Marines Chapters encountered on the way. Whole companies might be hived off, or only a few units. Sometimes the primarch took them by the hundred to create new Chapters where he saw the need: to guard important worlds, or to scour an area of space, or to perform whatever other task he deemed important. Warrior by warrior, the Unnumbered Sons were scattered across the galaxy, taking with them the secrets of their creation to their new homes. Sons of Guilliman became Aurora Marines or Doom Eagles; sons of Dorn joined the Black Templars or the Imperial Fists; sons of Corax became Raven Guard or Revilers. By the time the fleet reached Raukos, only twenty thousand of the Unnumbered Sons’ original strength remained in the Indomitus Crusade." - Dark Imperium, by Guy Hailey


The Dark Angels Chapter could have gotten a few Primaris units at the beginning of the crusade. Their creation and conversion process went with them. I don't see the DA being behind other chapters implementing the new units.


Unless, of course, new background comes out for the DA stating otherwise. :biggrin.:

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