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8th Techmarines repairing inside vehicles


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From the battle primer, page 9



Embarked units cannot normally do anything or be affected in any way whilst they are embarked. Unless specifically stated, abilities that affect other units within a certain range have no effect whilst the unit that has the ability is embarked.


I've found it helpful in a couple of instances just to substitute in the specific units and abilities into the ruling to aid my own understanding, so:


"TECHMARINES cannot normally do anything or be affected in any way whilst they are embarked. Unless specifically stated, BLESSING OF THE OMNISSIAH ha no effect whilst the TECHMARINE that has the ability is embarked."


Seems a lot more clear-cut that way!

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A more generic clarification/interpretation could be: Any model embarked in a transport is always considered out of range of any other model unless the transport specifically allows for a model to take the action while embarked.


This would mean that the techmarine would never be in range to do it's things. Auras will never apply. Phykers cannot cast or deny while embarked and so on. Including any current or future gimmicky rules of when Y happens within X" of character Z triggers.

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