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Hello all,


Now that landraiders and other models that have been collecting dust are worth using, I need to get rid of all that dust.


Does anyone have suggestions on the best way to clean off years of dust from models in various states of paint/unpaint/painted but not sealed?


Here's a for instance



Thanks in advance!



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My go-to model dusting solution is a 2" paint brush with natural bristles; a moderately good quality wall paining brush that you can get at any hardware store. The key factor I've found is the natural bristles. They taper down to very fine points better then most synthetic bristles, and that lets them get into even the tightest nooks-and-crannies and physically scrub dust particles free that might resist a blast of air. Additionally, the fine tapered bristles are very forgiving, bending easily even if you're aggressively removing dust, with no chance of harming details or in-process paint jobs. Be sure to clean it once-and-awhile to remove any oils or dirt that might build up over time, but otherwise I find it works well dry, applying just enough scrubbing action to remove the dist and nothing more.


Note: it is best to do dust removal outside if you can, especially if the layer is substantial. If you knock it off and back into the air, at least some of it will end up back on your work. Remove it completely from your environment; dust is inevitable, but you can do things to reduce and minimize it.

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