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If their statline will be same as other Primaris, and they're at 18 points. It'll likely just be a pistol version of the bolt rifle (S4, AP1, Pistol), and the knife is a chainsword (or not even). They've shown restraint in heavily favouring the new Primaris line, so I'd be a little disappointed if they're given Infiltrate as well because that would mean they're getting it for free.

Not going to use the actual models but the rules might end up being a good representation of certain types of kill teams if they can infiltrate. Pretty happy with this, especially compared to the ginormous shaft that Forgeworld just gave us. 

Can someone please explain how having access to literally beggar all makes Deathwatch "The most well equipped Chapter in the Imperium"?




Because I cannot

Are reivers confirmed as a troop choise? Will indeed be fun to see what those pistols can do! 


Also, I think this is my first post. Hey everybody. :smile.:


Welcome to the forums!  I'm also interested in what a "heavy bolt pistol" does, given they look nearly identical to a "standard" bolt pistol :P

So more news on the Reivers today!

2+1 Attacks (Combat Blades)
Multi wounds apparantly, so guessing 2 each. Doubt they would go higher for the point cost.
-1 AP on the pistols.
Shock Grenade - Deny overwatch and -1 to hit.
Units fighting Reivers and units 3" away from said fight gets a -1 LD.

Seems like... alot for the point cost. Also, will the SIA apply to the Reivers? Guessing so right? 


If their statline will be same as other Primaris, and they're at 18 points. It'll likely just be a pistol version of the bolt rifle (S4, AP1, Pistol), and the knife is a chainsword (or not even). They've shown restraint in heavily favouring the new Primaris line, so I'd be a little disappointed if they're given Infiltrate as well because that would mean they're getting it for free.


So now that some stats have been revealed, it might be pretty cool to throw these guys in a rhino with another kill team. They might pair up fairly well, especially if you intend to charge after disembarking. And you could keep the Reivers down to 3 guys and still have a pretty good effect.

Would you guys use these in a Deathwatch army?  Or would the points be better spent on more Kill Teams/Vanguard/Terminators?


Also, the retroactive application of these new Primaris units gives me hope that we might see some of the other new Space Marine stuff added to the DW, namely the Repulsor (in the absence of any main battle tank) and the Redemptor (b/c we can't take "heavier" dreads from the FW Index).

Edited by dicebod



If their statline will be same as other Primaris, and they're at 18 points. It'll likely just be a pistol version of the bolt rifle (S4, AP1, Pistol), and the knife is a chainsword (or not even). They've shown restraint in heavily favouring the new Primaris line, so I'd be a little disappointed if they're given Infiltrate as well because that would mean they're getting it for free.

So now that some stats have been revealed, it might be pretty cool to throw these guys in a rhino with another kill team. They might pair up fairly well, especially if you intend to charge after disembarking. And you could keep the Reivers down to 3 guys and still have a pretty good effect.

Would be cool and very useful, but right now they don't have a transport that can take them.


I don't think they're going to integrate them into Kill Teams and will just be a solo unit. The fact the Corvus can't take Primaris models supports this, but maybe they'll change their mind come the codex? But that will probably be a year away, haha.

With the way things have been so far, I'd expect we will eventually get the whole primaris range. I can get the whole no-seperate-shoulder-no-DW things with the starter set (though it's annoying they're so strict with that for DW). But if we get the Cap/Lib and now the Reivers too, I don't see why we're not getting the whole shebang.

I don't think there was a restriction on the other transports regarding primaris... the info said the captain, librarian and reivers will be added to the DW list; which means they can be taken in DW transports, just not the blackstar due to the "primaris" restriction.


I just hope they word it correctly in the upcoming codex(s).

As of now, no they don't get SIA, and SIA doesn't work on Heavy Bolt Pistols, so there's two steps GW would have to fix to give them SIA.


You know, if they do get SIA, they will finally be one unit DW has unquestionably better than other chapters, and also something filling huge gaping hole in DW lists. What we don't know about them can still make them suck (infiltrate/deep strike details for one) but as of now they would be a very welcome addition :ph34r.:


Would you guys use these in a Deathwatch army?  Or would the points be better spent on more Kill Teams/Vanguard/Terminators?


Honestly? If they do get SIA, they will be stellar. If not, 2W and no overwatch will still make them way more efficient, point for point, than either Vanguard/Termies, especially if their sarge can take good melee weapons. DW lacks units capable of taking on big squads and Reivers with their extra durability and morale losses fill the bill nicely...

I agree that the whole Primaries line will eventually be available to DW. Recent news supports that, but it seems like it was a last minute decision given their initial restriction. The Intercessors won't be useful for is, but the specialized units may. The reivers may still have other rules that haven't been revealed yet (infiltrate).


Unfortunately, all current transports, and not just the Corvus, have the "No Primaris" rule. They sound decent, but if the Reivers don't get anything to help their mobility or survivability, then they are fairly ineffective. Even with infiltrate, if they get it, their grenades will likely be out of range at 9", and if they're footsloggers with 6" move, they can get kited out of grenade range for a while. Maybe if they get something that helps their advance or charge, or get a cheap transport option, they will be more useful.

We won't know about the transport thing until we see their unit entry, but I'm willing to gamble the EdgyMarines won't be able to fit into them any better than Intercessors, since they're ALL Primaris marines.  It's a nice hope to have, but honestly I think we'll be waiting for C: SM for an actual Primaris transport, which likely won't be DW compatible until the DW codex itself gets updated (due to Index constipation).

Lack of infiltrate and transport options kills them stone dead for me. Even if we got some form of Primaris transport I still wouldn't take them, a stealth unit coming out of a tank just doesn't do it for me. 

Looking at the Primaris Captain...armed with the MC Stalker Bolt Rifle, do you think he would make a decent back-line/deployment zone buffing character outside of a transport?  I could see sticking him in a Stalker-armed kill team and giving out buffs to Twin-Lascannon Razorbacks/Dreads and the like...

Yeah, now that the datasheet from First Strike has been released, even though it includes nothing we didn't expect, they seem even more mediocre. They may still get some form of deep strike, but 6" grenades at 6" move and no transport isn't going to do much right now.


Here's looking at the new Dreadnought. We better get access to that.

Yeah, now that the datasheet from First Strike has been released, even though it includes nothing we didn't expect, they seem even more mediocre. They may still get some form of deep strike, but 6" grenades at 6" move and no transport isn't going to do much right now.


They're holdovers until the multi-part kit is released to get the "easy build" models on the table, at least.  Once the codex comes out they'll be bolstered quite a bit.


They're holdovers until the multi-part kit is released to get the "easy build" models on the table, at least.  Once the codex comes out they'll be bolstered quite a bit.


This, especially seeing they lack other weapon options and deep strike we know they have, plus have hardcoded Chapter word 'Ultramarines'...


Yeah, now that the datasheet from First Strike has been released, even though it includes nothing we didn't expect, they seem even more mediocre.


Wait, 18 pts models with W2 and A3, plus deep strike/infiltrate and no overwatch is mediocre now? Have you tried comparing them to literally all other DW units? :huh.:


They are worth it even purely as massive Distraction Carnifex, occupying enemy while rest of your kill teams move up...


100% uninterested in these guys, even if they can take the Deathwatch keyword. Their lore is terrible and the models scale too poorly with the existing range.


Except A ) DW models are head taller than other marines, so in out case it's non-issue compared to regular SM, and B ) giving SM unit that actually lets them perform role they are supposed to perform in the first place (surgical strikes), doubly so in case of DW seeing they double down on the surgical kill team thing in fluff, is bad lore now? :biggrin.: 


Don't mind me, I'll be in corner enjoying my perfectly fluffy power armoured scouts that actually can do something against hordes, perfect both fluff and crunch addition to SM/DW :rolleyes:

Deep strike is not that great considering they only have 6" move unless there is good cover within 9". I'm assuming no one is going to drop them out in the open. Same deal with 6" range grenades. If they do manage to catch up without getting shot down, they will be good against hordes, but only hordes. This is because they likely won't get different weapon options as Primaris have been extremely limited, but I do agree they will get some form of deep strike.


They're comparable to Vanguards. +3 points for better pistol, +6" move, and fly, but -1W. Every other stat is the same; I'll ignore leadership since it's not a major issue with DW. Until Reivers get something that increases their mobility (transport or extra advance rules), they are mediocre.


Edit: just in case there's confusion with different uses of the word mediocre, mediocre means they're neither particularly good or bad. They're average.

Edited by Moostick

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