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Wut des Maschinengeist, Ad-Mech/Guard

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So to totally rip off another poster using German names.... I'd like to name my army Wut des Maschinengeist. Firstly because Maschinengeist is an awesome word, but also because all of my IG models are actually late war Nazis (amusingly, commissar Yarrick Has basically the same symbols and hat as a Nazi officer)








I'll add photos of the rest when I produce quality photos of the rest. 

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Tried to do a little bit of OSL on these guys. They were the first models I tried to pour effort into. I think they are also the first time I used an airbrush (mostly just for the zenithal primer undershading).










I hate how inhumanly proportioned most Imperial Guard models are, so I got some WGF late war germans, (28 mm with 25 mm bases) (At 30 models for $20 these are a steal) https://dreamforge-games.com/collections/infantry/products/wgf-w2001-wwii-german-infantry-platoon-28mm








On my third onager I got bored and began my first foray into conversion. Tech Priest Dominus head with a couple phosphor serpentas tacked on for good measure.






My Infiltrator Princeps is probably my second favorite model after Cawl.








In need of a strip and re-paint, but I wanted to show off my conversion effort. The arm mounted gun is the Twin Heavy Phosphor Blaster from the Onager sprew. The head is just backwards and sunk.






Mechafax. Claw from the Kataphron Breachers Sprew, arms from the Ruststalker sprew. I wanted to do something much stupider with her head... but chickened out.

Edited by Steerpike_
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Great stuff, i do love Cawl the most :wub:  , are his robes orangey or red?... it's hard for me to tell :blush.:  whatever colour they are...they look real nice!!

i like how you verged off with your own troops and changed some things up a bit, very refreshing to see some things different in the Ad-Mech world :thumbsup:


cheers, Mithril 

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Great stuff, i do love Cawl the most :wub:  , are his robes orangey or red?... it's hard for me to tell :blush.:  whatever colour they are...they look real nice!!

i like how you verged off with your own troops and changed some things up a bit, very refreshing to see some things different in the Ad-Mech world :thumbsup:


cheers, Mithril 




So the process was:

-1: Build 4 subassemblies: Lower Body, Upper Body, Axe, Atomizer

0: Hold the assemblies together with mounting putty

1: Black Vallejo primer airbrushed on everywhere

2: Grey Vallejo primer at a downward angle of about 45 degrees

3: White Vallejo primer sprayed straight down

4: Separate assemblies

5: Airbrush the cloak with 4 parts Vallejo Game Air Gory Red to 1 part Hexed Lichen (dark purple)

6: Glaze up raised areas and edges (especially around holes) with GW memphiston red

7: Glaze over that (but less generously) with GW Evil Sunz Scarlett

8: Shade the recesses with GW Guilliman Blue

9: Very lightly drybrush some Evil Sunz Scarlett mixed with bright yellow

10: Spray on matte varnish (so you can then do the metals without having to matte them)


To answer your question.... they are purple-red-scarlet-orange

Edited by Steerpike_
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Great stuff, i do love Cawl the most :wub:  , are his robes orangey or red?... it's hard for me to tell :blush.:  whatever colour they are...they look real nice!!

i like how you verged off with your own troops and changed some things up a bit, very refreshing to see some things different in the Ad-Mech world :thumbsup:


cheers, Mithril 




So the process was:



To answer your question.... they are purple-red-scarlet-orange



:laugh.:  ... now you mention your colours and i go back and look...i have the "Oh yeah i can see that colour used there! and that Glaze there!"... :happy.:


the effort has paid off for you ! :wub: 

i see i will have to do mine in sub assemblies too then as everyone who has put Cawl together says to do so :thumbsup:


Cheers, Mithril 

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Agreed, these are some awesome models and the photography is high-quality, too!  What unit are you planning to use the Inquisitor conversion as?

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