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Spawn and Giant spawn 8th edition

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So how is everyone getting on with spawn in 8th edition?


The Giant spawn look great on paper at 75 points so I have brought a second one!

I am hoping my basic spawn will be good for filling fast slots and grabbing objectives. At 33 points they are a cheap 4 wounds at T5 but the 5+ save is a bit rough.

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Yeah Spawn can be really good. It's a dicey but otherwise excellent unit.
FW Giant Chaos Spawn seems fun if you like that sort of bookkeeping granted I do think he will go down quite fast.

What I really like about the regular Chaos Spawn is that they seem an excellent transport for your characters if you don't feel like running another more expensive unit with them. The regular Chaos Spawn are good in melee, can be excellent with that character around (for whatever reason they know what Legion they belong to) and have a great Ld. For anyone but Death Guard that T5 is also a very welcome stat. 


I love me some Chaos Spawn because they are subject to all the buffs our regular Marines have acces to. This makes them the perfect unit to convert upon and have them as a meatshield/bodyguard for any Chaos character really. They have the speed to keep up, the durability to stick around and are an excellent unit to use Command Points for so at least some of them will have some sick ammount of attacks :wink:

Edited by Commissar K.
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