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Chaos Terminator Loadouts

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How is everyone running their terminators these days? I was considering melta, power axes and a warptime sorceror until I saw some stats on supercharged plasma. RAW will prescience prevent those terrible 1s from occuring?
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Yep, prescience will save you from overheating. Bonus points if you have a lord nearby as well, as rerolls apply before modifiers. So the order of operations would be:


Roll to hit

Reroll any 1s within 6" of the lord

Any 1s on the reroll will be modified up to 2s from prescience



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But wouldn't a sorceror be much better than a lord? You can nullify the effects of supercharge and get warptime off for an almost guaranteed charge. Sure, there's still luck required with there being psy powers involved but it does sound pretty decent.

Yes, generally a Sorcerer is better. Thing is a re-roll to 1's bubble is really good aswell so it does boil down to somewhat of a personal preforance.

In my eyes, oddly enough though a Sorcerer is better at supporting a melee combat orientated army and a Chaos Lord is better at supporting a ranged combat orientated army.


In that same example, Khârn is a boss as supporting Havocs. While Abaddon can do that in a larger area also the cost difference still has me cheering for Khârn. The other reason for that is also that Heroic Intervention is really good for a gunboat while it does close to nothing for melee orientated units.

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I like a few power/chain fists, but if you're playing against imperials remember that the -1 to hit will prevent you from using the 'Death to the False Emperor' ability, unless you're using the slaanesh icon or have some other bonus to hit, and even with the icon of excess or prescience, you'll still get fewer extra attacks from the ability than you would otherwise.

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Can the termie champ still have the lightning claw and power fist set up ? Seems like he can only do double lightning claws for melee, was hoping to use the red butchers models and do a unit of khorne double power axes.
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Good point, I hadn't thought of that re: fists.


yeah, it's unfortunate.  I bumped into that after calling my lord's daemon sword a 'counts as' power fist.  The power/chain fists are still stronger overall against multiwound models, but between the lower accuracy and the inability to score DttFE, it's not as big a boost as one might have hoped.

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I like a few power/chain fists, but if you're playing against imperials remember that the -1 to hit will prevent you from using the 'Death to the False Emperor' ability, unless you're using the slaanesh icon or have some other bonus to hit, and even with the icon of excess or prescience, you'll still get fewer extra attacks from the ability than you would otherwise.


All the more reason to toss in a termie sorc with prescience.

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Really? I thought special abilities like dying on 1s and getting bonuses on 6s were applied before you added bonuses to hit and so on.

Not as far as I can see. You might be thinking of re-rolls?
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Chainfists buy you an extra bit of reliability for a couple of points, I think the -4AP is the main incentive though so still worth dropping one in a squad and maybe a second if you're already buying a fist. My Termies are mostly lightning claw because I'm using the BoP Tartaros but I've had good results with them on my Lord so I reckon it should help them be that much more reliable in combat :)


Termies should be able to close quickly enough to get use from combi-melta, but it's no longer the favourite. So I'm thinking a combi-melta to hit hard is good, but a couple of plasma is probably a better option for an all-rounder. Just don't risk overcharging unless you're desperate or have a re-roll (e.g. Lord)!

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Will be running my termies with combi-plas and power weapons, and a combi-melta and Icon of Wrath on the champion. Will also be buffing them with a jump pack sorcerer for Warp Time, because there's no kill like overkill. :wink:

Yeah not only that but Chaos' Psycic Powers are arguably it's strongest asset aswell, from regular list to the Daemonic alliance variants.

Presciense is pure quality for sure.


For a Lord however guys like Obliterators can work out very well also. With the Lord acting as the melee aggressor with Heroic Intervention and the Obliterators just hitting all of it. The advantage of the Obliterator package is that it comes out somewhat cheaper and Heroic Intervention + re'rolls of 1's is really good also. 


The load out all boils down to what you want to do, Sorcerer gets you into melee and creates heavy hitts. Lords of Chaos support a stand and shoot strategy really well and the Lord has a small advantage for Overwatch purposes aswell. 

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