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Chaos Terminator Loadouts

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Thanks for starting this thread, I was wondering the same thing while staring at my old metal Chaos Terminators who've largely been mothballed since 3rd edition except for limited action as termicide. Realistically, my load out is likely constrained by what parts I can find. They seem much improved due to the targeting changes and deepstrike changes.


Has anyone given serious consideration to either of the heavy options? The reaper looks pretty decent to me, especially since it can shoot whatever target you want now. Both the heavy flamer and combi-flamer might be good if you're hoping to use Warptime to get in range, but they won't get to fire right away otherwise.


As mentioned above, the Icon of Wrath seems like a great upgrade for this unit, since it doubles your chance of reaching assault the turn they arrive for only 10 points.

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If you're using warptime, playing against imperials, and feeling lucky, icon of excess might be an alternative worth considering


The heavy weapons...  I don't feel 'em.  Honestly, I'd be all about a 30, maybe even 40 point reaper autocannon that maintained the regular autocannon's damage 2, but damage 1 just feels kind of underwhelming.  It's not a terrible gun, and it's cheap, so maybe I'm just being unreasonable, but i was hoping the reaper would be a bit more threatening.

Edited by malisteen
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