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Bolt pistol + lightning claw?

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I accidentally glued a lightning claw to a guy with a bolt pistol. I meant to glue a power fist. Unless I'm mistaken, initiates can't take lightning claws right? What can I do with this model? Sword brother? Some sort of veteran? Castellan?

It is a valid build for a sword brother, a company veteran or a vanguard veteran. It is a bit more expensive but also more reliable than a power sword or axe (due to the reroll to wound).


Alternatively, depending on the model, you could also clip of the claws and make a DIY power fist ?

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I use a Claw Pistol Sword Brother for one of my Crusader Squads, but then again that squad is built for 7th and not 8th...

I'm not really sure how effective he is going to be for 8th edition, but he should still be able to reroll wounds with 2 attacks and his Pistol could be used within 1" during shooting phase, so some use there after all... besides, having free a free Sword Brother upgrade for Crusader Squads... can't complain :p

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I accidentally glued a lightning claw to a guy with a bolt pistol. I meant to glue a power fist. Unless I'm mistaken, initiates can't take lightning claws right? What can I do with this model? Sword brother? Some sort of veteran? Castellan?

It is a valid build for a sword brother, a company veteran or a vanguard veteran. It is a bit more expensive but also more reliable than a power sword or axe (due to the reroll to wound).


Alternatively, depending on the model, you could also clip of the claws and make a DIY power fist ?


Oh brilliant. I could clip it!

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