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This post has 2 outcome, first i was wondering how you load out your grey hunters and second I would like some help deciding what to do with my plasma grey hunters


Option 1: 

9 grey hunters with 2 plasma guns and a plasma pistol

1 WGPL with combiplasma

Rhino with 2 storm bolters 



Option 2:

5 grey hunters with 1 plasma gun and a plasma pistol

1 WGPL with combiplasma

Razorback with twin assault cannons

Points: 231 


Option 1 gives me more boots on the ground, but option 2 is cheaper and has the heavy 12 assault cannon.

What are everyones opinions? 

In the Grey Hunters vs. Wofl Guard Thread were (among other things) two opinions to be found …


  1. The 10 Man Squad has the Advantage, that loosing one Marine doesn't hurt so much.
  2. The Razoback has the "disadvantage" that it attracts more of the enemies attention (which of course is only a disadvantage, if you don't want it to attract the enemies attention).

Well that is not 2 opinions. Its rai vs raw.


Rsw the 2 plasma gun with wgpl in rhino is allowed, but if you are still going to build the models be warned. The rules writer has said that rai is different (as explained by fillius), and that we will get an update on it soon.


That said, i do like the 6 man unit. No ambiguity and the razorback is a good transport

I already have the squad built, but it is 11 strong with the combi plasma being an optional extra.


Also what do you mean it might not be allowed? the rules say for every 5 models you can take a special weapon, the WGPL is part of the squad after all

Edited by Halfpint100
  On 7/2/2017 at 11:09 AM, Halfpint100 said:

This post has 2 outcome, first i was wondering how you load out your grey hunters and second I would like some help deciding what to do with my plasma grey hunters


Option 1: 

9 grey hunters with 2 plasma guns and a plasma pistol

1 WGPL with combiplasma

Rhino with 2 storm bolters 



Option 2:

5 grey hunters with 1 plasma gun and a plasma pistol

1 WGPL with combiplasma

Razorback with twin assault cannons

Points: 231 


Option 1 gives me more boots on the ground, but option 2 is cheaper and has the heavy 12 assault cannon.

What are everyones opinions? 


They're both good options, frankly.  You might even feel like mixing and matching a bit of both.  

  On 7/2/2017 at 3:52 PM, Halfpint100 said:

Yer i have read the article now. We will have to see next week to see if option 1 is still legal

Well the new FAQ has dropped and no mention of this issue so I would say RAW it is still valid to have 9GHS and a WGPL with 2 special weapons, a plasma pistol and a combiplas.
  On 7/3/2017 at 11:56 AM, Karhedronuk said:


  On 7/2/2017 at 3:52 PM, Halfpint100 said:

Yer i have read the article now. We will have to see next week to see if option 1 is still legal

Well the new FAQ has dropped and no mention of this issue so I would say RAW it is still valid to have 9GHS and a WGPL with 2 special weapons, a plasma pistol and a combiplas.

The issue was only brought up thursday to the rule writer. He said he would discuss it with the rule council on monday. FAQ dropped sunday, the issue is still up in the air.

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 7/2/2017 at 11:09 AM, Halfpint100 said:


Option 2:

5 grey hunters with 1 plasma gun and a plasma pistol

1 WGPL with combiplasma

Razorback with twin assault cannons

Points: 231 



Depending on how spendy I can be at a given points value, I'm either going 5 grey hunters with 1 plasma gun, the same plus a plain wgpl (for the leadership insurance), or the same plus wgpl with combi plas. 


Guys, I'm finding the best hundred points an astartes can spend this edition is the twin assault cannon razorback.  They bring a terrific combination of durability, firepower, and mobility.  They're a threat the opponent can't ignore...and yet the space wolves in particular can field such a broad threat spectrum that you put your opponent in a "darned if you do, darned if you don't" situation.  For a hundred points.

Interesting to note that WG with CS/CS/SB x6 is 108pts, exactly the same as a razorback with twin AssCan, SB, and a HKM. For almost the same points (106), you can get a GH unit x6 with a PP, PG, and a WGPL with CS/SB. I'm not so good with the math, but I wonder if the more dakka from the SBs will overall out-damage the AP of the plasma (with or without rapid fire triggered).

Having played a few small games so far, i cant say i am too impressed yet with 10 man grey hunter squads with 2 plasma, plasma pistol combi plas and a special ccw or 2. They just get focussed too fast, and cant spread their presence as easy.


Mind that is in 750-900 pt games. I want to try them in bigger games with a drop pod or rhino before i ditch that unit.


That said, a u man unit with combi plas, plasma gun and pistol, power sword and frost sword(possibly not even that), seems very strong, especially with razorback.

  • 1 month later...

Oh Grey Hunters, how the mighty have fallen. I used to wade through all kinds of units with my GH. 10 tac marines was a mere between meals snack. Last night I charged 10 scions with 10 GH and a Rune Priest. The Priest killed 1 and my pack leader 2 on the charge, thats it....  So far I am so dissapointed with how 8th have treated GH. I really hope the codex will restore som of their former glory.

If i run grey hunters its: 5 grey hunters, plasma gun, plasma pistol and wgpl with plasma pistol or combi plas. Possibly sprinkle in a cheap power weapon or 2.


In a razorback with tlac.


Bigger and they cost to much while also no longer fitting in the razorback.

The Razorback shores up the main difference between a regular tactical squad and a GH pack, which is the loss of the heavy weapon. In 8th being able to do multiple wounds per hit can be a make or break for most armies. Twin Lascannons do a lot to help with that. That being said, remember that GH get chainswords and more power weapons per squad, which makes them a match for just about any unit outside of specialized close combat units. 6 GH with chainswords have 12 attacks which is roughly the same as a regular tactical squad at full strength. If you plan on setting up a fire position with the ability to displace quickly that is a great option. A larger unit is far more important to survive close combat. Good cover and positioning can be used to keep smaller units alive at range.


The ten man GH squad is made up for a fist fight. Remember, if you are a Space Wolf, you are basically a close combat unit since pretty much everyone with the exception of Long Fangs have close combat gear. A large pack of GH can do a lot of damage at range and up close since they can pack a lot of plasma/melta and power weapons. I actually use them in combination. I like to set up a small fire squad of GH in a Razorback for fire support that can cover the larger squads advance or provide a higher priority target due to the heavy weapons fire. Keeping the larger group as a mobile counterstrike or as an advancing unit that can take advantage of the greater fire support.


Grey Hunters are fine. They are perhaps the most flexible space marine unit out there, being able to hold their own in close and at range. All be it, a little mediocre compared to dedicated units. I am hoping to get something similar to Countercharge with our Legion Tactics (we are not a chapter).

  On 8/21/2017 at 6:59 AM, Wolf Priest Redbeard said:

So far I am so dissapointed with how 8th have treated GH. I really hope the codex will restore som of their former glory.

A lot of Marine units have seen a reduction in HtH potential due to the loss of a second attack for having a pistol/ccw combo. Hunters with Chainswords have come out better than most units and benefit from now hitting everything on a 3+ rather than a 4+ as was the case against WS4+ opponents in 3rd-7th.


Hunters are about twice as good as Tacticals in CC due to their chainswords and being able to take power weapons on both the pack leader and WGPL. Mine have been pretty solid in 8th.

  On 8/21/2017 at 6:59 AM, Wolf Priest Redbeard said:

Oh Grey Hunters, how the mighty have fallen. I used to wade through all kinds of units with my GH. 10 tac marines was a mere between meals snack. Last night I charged 10 scions with 10 GH and a Rune Priest. The Priest killed 1 and my pack leader 2 on the charge, thats it....  So far I am so dissapointed with how 8th have treated GH. I really hope the codex will restore som of their former glory.

Grey Hunters got even BETTER in 8th.

7th Ed, each grey hunter gets 3 attacks  when charging  and 2 attacks when they don't BUT they cannot fire their bolters.

8th Ed, each grey hunter gets 2 attacks  BUT they can fire their bolters. And on subsequent combats, they get to fire their pistols in combat and then still get 2 melee attacks. Overall, Grey Hunters put out more damage than they did in 7th.

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