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More flavor lost.....


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Any option lost sucks, but in this edition it's probably better to have your SS not on Cyclone Missle launchers. Even more so since they got worse. What bugs me though is they said no models would be invalidated. Well here we are
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What bugs me though is they said no models would be invalidated. Well here we are

Is that what they said, or was it unit, or something else? I've seen so many versions of "What they said" now that it's becoming easily believable that nothing at all was actually said about this.


As it is, I had read "No unit will be invalidated", and that would be true in this case. So here we are.


I haven't played enough to fully figure out whether I would want the SS on a Cyclone Launcher'nator, but I suspect that you are right that it may be better to not have an SS on a Cyclone toter.

Edited by Bryan Blaire
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FAQ might have taken the CML / THSS combo away, but it looks like our company vets can now take one heavy weapon IN ADDITION to any other combi / special weapons the squad takes.  Unless I'm interpreting this wrong, that means you could have a guy with a combi and heavy weapon and get to fire them all.

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I haven't read any of the Indexes yet. Is it true that there are no command squads anymore? That Apothecaries, Standard Bearers and Champions are now independent characters in an elite slot?
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Well.  GW's latest just removed some more history.  No more Deathwing Terminators with Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield/Cyclone Missile Launcher combos.  Sweet!!!  Pretty soon, we'll all just be playing Ultramarines with special characters.


Have you, perhaps, messaged GW who can do something about this?


BA lost their melta assault squads, then got them right back in the FAQ.

Edited by Xenith
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FAQ might have taken the CML / THSS combo away, but it looks like our company vets can now take one heavy weapon IN ADDITION to any other combi / special weapons the squad takes.  Unless I'm interpreting this wrong, that means you could have a guy with a combi and heavy weapon and get to fire them all.

Take me now, Lord! I don't want to live in a world where such models are built. :cry:

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Looks like Codexs will be coming soonish, hopefully we'll get the flavour back






For a given value of Soon. They have confirmed that DA will be getting their own separate codex again, but it doesn't appear on any of the tentative timetables I've seen for this year.

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To be fair, mostly, I think the current rumourmill has pretty much been debunked, so there's no point sharing (just went back and checked again in the light of this announcement) We do however have them hinting at 10 codexes by the end of the year. So far we have:

1) Space Marines
2) Chaos Space Marines

3) Grey Knights

4) Death Guard


Which leaves us 6 slots this year

A lot of this will depend how the factions split up, but I'd say (based on what we have in 7th, and what's in the indexes) we will at least get books for:




Aeldari (anywhere between one and four books depending on whether Harlies and Ynnari get their own small dexes, likely at least two for craftworld and dark eldar)


Space Wolves

Dark Angels

Blood Angels

Astra Militarum

AdMech (now they've merged Skitarii and Cult Mechanicum)

Some form of Imperial Agents (maybe including Deathwatch, Sisters, and Adeptus Custodes)

Chaos Demons/cults is a possibility, depending on how much goes into CSM


That list is definitely speculation, but it seems logical


Conservatively, with that number of books to release, pure numbers gives 50/50 or lower for getting DA this side of Christmas. This will of course depend on whether GW continue with their usual tendency to put marines first, and whether they release one for everybody or not. I'd love to see DA this year, but I'm cynical enough to not bet the farm on it.

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the rumors timetable is this


GW announced the first 4 codices to be





so the above timetable is totally wrong and we cannot think about the DA codex release according to that table

Gw also said that they will take about 1 year to make all the new codices for 8th edition out so in less than one year we will have our DA codex hoping it will be good and it will include the units that GW teased for non codex astartes at WHF but they didnt included in the index (for example tartaros andctaphractii terminators)

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A significant amount of personality and flavor was lost for this edition to happen.  GW dug themselves too deep with 7th edition that they needed a massive reset button.


I mean let's take a second and remember that we can actually run a much more flexible Deathwing list compared to those nonsense detachment/strikeforces in 7th edition.  You can literally take an entire list of Deathwing again without autolosing.  That's enough for me to swallow the pill.


I hope that the codices GW releases don't start to veer back into where 7th edition was, but I do hope that it does return some flavor to our faction.

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I'm actually not sweating it too much.  But, it was one way, visually, to set the DA's apart.  Not everyone could field a TDA with TH SS and a cyclone sitting on top.  With it being 50 points now, that 3++ is really nice on a terminator that can still shoot.  Now, they can just look pretty, on the shelf, till I can dust them off in some later version.

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A lot of good points have been made about the codexes bringing back some flavor lost. It's such a small thing (and not edge this edition) to let us have th/ss cyc ml, but it brings back memories of having to play with that old terrible codex that still had a 4++ SS save.


A stubborn pride in throwing down with a waaaaay outdated dex was built in me that feels in line with the unforgiven. So, it may not be official lore/fluff/tactics, but I'd like the option for it if for no other reason than to remember hard fought victories.

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