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Returning and keywords hurt my head , need some help.

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So iv came back after a long break from 40k and after seeing the new Deathguard models i couldnt help but come back. So with the new forge world book out and all the new nurgly goodness with keywords is it possible to bring any with the keyword restrictions. Aswell as the dreads and vechiles? Edited by Pezza1989
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I have not gone through all units with a fine toothed comb, but as long as all units share one faction keyword, they can all be taken in the same detachment. That keyword can even be CHAOS.

Buffs might be more restrictive though. It depends on which keyword is referenced in the ability. Fabius Bile's Enhanced Warriors ability for example works only on Heretic Astartes Infantry, that are not characters..

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Thats ok about the question, and thank you for the welcome back. What i am reading is that aslong as it has shares atleast 1 keyword ie: Chaos , it can be in the army, how does this interact with the Deathguard restrictions? And there army list? I ask because there are afew options like the hellforge predator and the plague hulk.
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Thats ok about the question, and thank you for the welcome back. What i am reading is that aslong as it has shares atleast 1 keyword ie: Chaos , it can be in the army, how does this interact with the Deathguard restrictions? And there army list? I ask because there are afew options like the hellforge predator and the plague hulk.

The Deathguard restriction only means that units that aren't on that list can't have the Deathguard keyword. You can still use them side by side in a Chaos army tho and for now it won't make much of a difference whether you actually play a Death Guard army or a Chaos army.

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There are close to no restrictions. If you pick Chaos as your Faction Keyword.


World Eaters can be mixed with Emperors Children. Keywords have one meaning and one alone.


E.g. Keyword Nurgle is not also Keyword Death Guard, Chaos or <Mark of Chaos>.

Edited by Commissar K.
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Thats ok about the question, and thank you for the welcome back. What i am reading is that aslong as it has shares atleast 1 keyword ie: Chaos , it can be in the army, how does this interact with the Deathguard restrictions? And there army list? I ask because there are afew options like the hellforge predator and the plague hulk.


Important bit highlighted.


As has been said, the DG restrictions just apply to what unit can take the Death Guard Key Word, and not whether or not you can take them in an army.


If you choose to have an army made entirely of death guard keyword models, that is possible and your choice, alternately you can take xx% with the death guard keyword, and 100-x% with the Thousand Sons keyword.


Although I'd think less of you for mixing them :D

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The blunt version of it is:
- Narrative design has had very little influence on rules. However it did make for a really good balanced game with (apart from typo's) clear simulation of a wargame.
- Chapters or Legions as a Keyword have very little influence overall speaking. Currently they do not affect things in any grand way. This might change with the upcomming Codexi. Death Guard is next so if you want to play Death Guard and want to exclude yourself to them there is actually very little reason to none to pick up Index Chaos.
- Marks of Chaos have very little influence overall speaking. Unlike some editions they do not grand any particular extra bonus other than opening a slot to an exclusive Icon. This sounds poor but keep in mind the Keyword Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tzeentch also comes for free now.

As is, Chaos for a competitive/matched play design is most certainly better when it is actually mixing several units from all over the place. The prime reason for this is that Chaos is very good as a combined arms army.

Death Guard are close to being capable to run as mono-Keyword Death Guard, due to Thypus and Poxwalkers and all but even then the removed option to customize some of your characters still would have me blend in several other non-Death Guard units aswell.

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Thanks everyone , so 1 more and ill leave everyone alone lol , so im going to be using the Deathguard army list because i really like the Contagion Discipline.

And the things i do want to put in my list are essentially everything nurgle from forgeworld. Would this make it a legal list?

And everything none marked in the chaos book ie noise marines, Zerkers because you know...i wouldnt be able to look at myself if i did lol

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Thanks everyone , so 1 more and ill leave everyone alone lol , so im going to be using the Deathguard army list because i really like the Contagion Discipline.

And the things i do want to put in my list are essentially everything nurgle from forgeworld. Would this make it a legal list?

And everything none marked in the chaos book ie noise marines, Zerkers because you know...i wouldnt be able to look at myself if i did lol

Yes it would be a legal list because they share the Chaos keyword.

Note that the Death Guard list is NOT an army list. It's just a list of units that are allowed to get the Death Guard legion keyword. You can mix and match them with any other Chaos unit in your army, but no other unit is allowed to name themselves Death Guard or benefit from rules that only affect Death Guard units/models.


If you want to actually play a pure Death Guard army, you'd be restricted to units on that list however. Not that there is much reason to do something like that except for fluff reasons right now. Things will change once the Death Guard codex gets released tho.

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Short answer, yes.


There's some debate on whether or not FW units can take the Death Guard <Legion> keyword, but the general consensus is go fir it.


The debates originates from the Forgeworld book saying that you have to abide by the restrictions in Index Chaos, but that'd mean no FW units could be Death Guard, so most people regard it as an oversight.


That said, if you plan on playing in tourneys, make sure to get the go ahead. You should be able to just do a Chaos or Heretic Astartes army and be okay.

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Thanks everyone , so 1 more and ill leave everyone alone lol , so im going to be using the Deathguard army list because i really like the Contagion Discipline.

And the things i do want to put in my list are essentially everything nurgle from forgeworld. Would this make it a legal list?

And everything none marked in the chaos book ie noise marines, Zerkers because you know...i wouldnt be able to look at myself if i did lol

The list is legal because there is nothing linking Keyword <Mark of Chaos> to Keyword <Legion>.


Unfortunatly for Death Guard though the Keyword Death Guard is quite restricted and it means that not all models will have acces to that Keyword change. 


So if you want to apply it to models who currently do not have RAW acces to it, be sure to discuss this with your opponent and or Tournament Organiser.

Edited by Commissar K.
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There has, iirc, been at least one email reply from FW indicating that the legion restrictions were an oversight, and that, in general, any of the heretic astartes FW units should be able to take any Legion keyword, including those of the restrictive cult legions, so long as you abide by their alignment requirement.


But that's kind of an off-the-cuff answer, and when we eventually see a detailed print answer it may not be /quite/ that open.


It's worth keeping in mind that GW had an already-understaffed FW development team rushing out the indeces in an already-unrealistic time frame, and that was before they lost one of their members partway through development.  It's not surprising that the resulting indices are considerably less polished than their GW counterparts, and will require a fair bit more errata and faq to get them operating smoothly.  The cult legion keyword issue is just one of the hiccups that need sorting out.


Given the circumstances, I'm inclined to be rather more patient and forgiving on the subject than I would otherwise normally be.

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