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Dark Abeyant.

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I am pretty sure I can glue together a bottom cut of plastic cup, a comms relay, and twist up some cuts of sprue to make that same thing.


I may go down that route. 


I may use the Magewrath Throne as a base with extra parts to build around it. Then work on a sitting Powerarmoured guy to be the Warlord. 

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In the FW HH books it originated from, the "abeyant" is described as any kind of additional form of locomotion the Magos decides to use. So it can have any form. The "snail" magos is described in the assembly instructions as using an abeyant. A dark mechanicum magos is described as having a scorpion body he mounts his torso on, which is called an "abeyant" and so on. Go nuts and showcase your creativity and conversion skills.

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Is the Helwright on Dark Abeyant any good for us in-game? I've had my eye on the Magos Dominus for a while now as a second Warpsmith, but this is an appealing alternative (given that they're of some value to a Heretic Astartes army).

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Does anyone have a picture with, like, a regular marine standing next to it for scale?





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