Praesul Posted July 7, 2017 Share Posted July 7, 2017 I have stopped buying old marines, and for now I'm assembling and painting the stuff I have as well as 2 starters worth of Primaris. The fluff sucks, but the models are nice and is the directing things are headed. I had to meditate in with a Pain Glove for a couple weeks but I've come to terms with it. Jackalwolf and Silas7 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tyberos the Red Wake Posted July 7, 2017 Share Posted July 7, 2017 I just had my first real good look at the size differences between Primaris and normal marines. Wow. It's actually killing my enthusiasm for the game. I didn't sign up to play a race of space dwarfs. I'm quite happy that I don't play much and when I do, I want a friendly/casual game. That gives me hope that I can arrange with my opponent to play in a pre-Guilliman setting, without the Primaris on the table. On a side note, I'm a bit worried about the aesthetic of the setting - looking at the new Death Guard, I can't seem to shake off the feeling that we're heading into this cartoon fantasy territory AoS is in. But this is really off-topic and just me adding my thought to the sentiment Adeptus expressed, about him loosing enthusiasm; something I, regrettably, share. This is also why I'll stick to the 'old' Marines and when I'm done with managing and painting my current collection of models, I'll be getting more squat Marines, instead of the new toys. The good news is that all your matches against non-Space Marine opponents will be pre-Guilliman by default as they won't have Primaris anyway. Silas7 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silas7 Posted July 7, 2017 Share Posted July 7, 2017 I just had my first real good look at the size differences between Primaris and normal marines. Wow. It's actually killing my enthusiasm for the game. I didn't sign up to play a race of space dwarfs. What is seen cannot be unseen. You loved your marines before the Primaris came out right? What changed; Primaris pulled back the curtain and shattered your perception, showing you just how badly proportioned they've been this whole time. Avoid mixing primaris with regs or rebase using some cork board. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
munocat Posted July 8, 2017 Share Posted July 8, 2017 I have deathwolves, don't think primaris would mix well with space wolves deathwolves. My deathwolves are very fluffy I decide to start a new chapter, Hell's Fists. The list is based around crimson fist, my Chapter Master is Paco Cantu(has Pedro kanter stats) I have a primaris company, based off the new box. I am doing a command with a chapter champion and chapter guards Verteran units. A company of regular marines, few tac squads, devastors. I am using the betrayal of cathul box. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlamingDeth Posted July 8, 2017 Share Posted July 8, 2017 Primaris are silly so I won't be getting any of them. I also have plenty of normal marines so I won't be getting them either. I've managed to avoid the recent history cash grabs like the grav gun super weapons but this is the cash grabbiest of them all. Now I have to wait to see what they end up doing with marines, so now all they're doing is making me work on my orks instead (which I'm also not buying more of). If they end up squatting my normal marines then...I dunno. Lazarine, Brother Christopher and Space Truckin 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gen.Steiner Posted July 8, 2017 Share Posted July 8, 2017 I don't think Space Marines are getting the Squat treatment now, soon, or indeed ever.What will happen is the same thing that happened to the RTB01 set, and the 2nd Edition sculpts, and the 3rd edition multi-parts... they'll get updated, continually, and the size of the models will creep up.Plus ca change. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adeptus Posted July 8, 2017 Share Posted July 8, 2017 You loved your marines before the Primaris came out right? What changed; Primaris pulled back the curtain and shattered your perception, showing you just how badly proportioned they've been this whole time. Avoid mixing primaris with regs or rebase using some cork board. No, I've always been aware of the limitations of GWs heroic scale models. What's changed is the position of my models and their lore counterparts in the hierarchy of the Imperium. They're *puny* now. They never used to be, because there never used to be these oversized abominations towering over them. There was a bit of minor scale creep with things like Deathwatch, but this is on another level. They've basically shrunk my marines. If I only had a small force I think I'd just pause the collecting and then replace it if/when the new Primaris Grey Knights are released, but I have like, 50 Terminators, 30 Power Armoured Grey Knights and a whole bunch of vehicles. I'm not replacing 5,000+ points, but at the same time it's almost intolerable running an army of Space Midgets. I mean, I'll get over it. I love the GK sculpts and their lore and their rules are finally in a great place, but it's grating you know, to have these new Marines dancing along singing "Anything you can do, I can do better! I can do anything, better than you!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gen.Steiner Posted July 8, 2017 Share Posted July 8, 2017 Well, that's not actually true, is it? There are no Primaris Grey Knights, they don't have psychic powers as standard on each squad, they don't have Terminators, Nemesis weaponry, etc etc. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adeptus Posted July 8, 2017 Share Posted July 8, 2017 Well, that's not actually true, is it? There are no Primaris Grey Knights, they don't have psychic powers as standard on each squad, they don't have Terminators, Nemesis weaponry, etc etc. But you understand what I'm getting at, right? I didn't start playing SM in general, or GK in particular because I wanted to play the second best warriors the Imperium could muster. The stunty ones, instead of their bigger stronger brothers. And besides, it's only a matter of time before GW releases Primaris versions of all major SM chapters, GK included. I wouldn't even care if the models weren't so enormous, but the fact that they so completely overshadow the current Astartes models really grinds my gears. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robbienw Posted July 8, 2017 Share Posted July 8, 2017 Adeptus, whatever you do don't put a inquisitor 54mm captain Artemis model next to your Marines then, it will blow your mind :lol: Gen.Steiner 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
munocat Posted July 8, 2017 Share Posted July 8, 2017 They are not much tougher nor stronger than a regular marine. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prot Posted July 8, 2017 Share Posted July 8, 2017 I'm torn. I have no problem with Primaris, I like the way they look, I'm fine with the background, and really enjoyed Dark Imperium ( the novel). But I am surrounded in little marines that work better on the tabletop and feature some of my favourite characters. Primaris rules, quite frankly, are quite poor and monochromatic to the point I'm bored already of big Bolter marines that essentially fire 7 th ed Bolters, have zero options, and cost too much. But I actually love how they look and are posed! Next for me is the aesthetics. I still think scouts are my favourite cheap troop, but those combined with my missile Dev squad and Primaris dudes being lead by Guilliman (last game) looks ridiculous. I keep waiting for a clown car to roll up with another pile of oddly shaped marines to tumble out of it. This is the aesthetic I expect from my Chaos armies and would indeed welcome it (as an -intentional- design. Not the current goofiness of Abe over shadowed by a Poxwalker). I am actually thinking perhaps a large part of this is backfiring on GW. For example I don't intend on buying anymore little marines, but the vehicles are all built for them which creates a silly look.... large Primaris lumbering around stuff like old Typhoon speeders driven by mini just looks really silly to me. I almost think they shout go back and do Deathwathch MK style armour for all marines, thus closing the gap of sizes, and showing a confidence to the consumer in continuing the original marine line up. For comparison a Deathguard marine looks to be a great size and it works alongside my Rubrics... I think that should have been the new standard. As it stands I don't really know if I'll truly embrace Primaris just because it looks so goofy. I may drop the entire project and stay with Chaos or start some new Xenos project or something. Volt and Dosjetka 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adeptus Posted July 8, 2017 Share Posted July 8, 2017 Adeptus, whatever you do don't put a inquisitor 54mm captain Artemis model next to your Marines then, it will blow your mind I'll just put them next to some Epic marines to make them feel better! Gen.Steiner and Freman Bloodglaive 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gen.Steiner Posted July 8, 2017 Share Posted July 8, 2017 Field 6mm Epic marines on 30mm bases and call them Primaris marines! Problem - solved. Kua, Dosjetka and Adeptus 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FlamingDeth Posted July 8, 2017 Share Posted July 8, 2017 For clarification I suppose I should stop referencing squatting. It's more like...empiring? I just made that up, but in fantasy it used to be that if you wanted to play humans you mainly played empire and that was great, until AoS rolled around and they introduced stormcast. It started off as a starter set and snowballed from there. They still "support" the existing empire models in that they technically have rules, but what are the chances of another big, cool release for them, or major rules revamps with rad fluffy synergistic combos or whatever? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kua Posted July 8, 2017 Share Posted July 8, 2017 (edited) Empire fluff without an empire is a bit difficult in AoS. The just represent random fluffless surviving humans now, don’t they? (I don’t know AoS fluff really, feel free to correct me.) In this case the SMs in 40k technically would have better chances, but I still van well imagine the same fate apart from maybe some event model for fun once in a time. On the other hand, the primaris fluff and their apparent try to fill tactical niches in the SM list instead of straightly replacing existing choices are sending mixed signals. Edited July 8, 2017 by Kua Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gen.Steiner Posted July 9, 2017 Share Posted July 9, 2017 I would suggest that, without knowing what GW actually intend for the Primaris range, we can only speculate with the following knowledge:Horus Heresy isn't going away;Horus Heresy uses current scale Marines, both as full plastic kits and as parts sources for conversion kits via FW.As long as they are making HH stuff, they have the tools etc to make 40K Space Marines. Why will that stop? Primaris are an addition, which may grow later, but they are not a wholesale replacement like the Stormcast, and won't be for some time as long as Grey Knights don't get Primaris for example. Grim Dog Studios 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
40k nut Posted July 9, 2017 Share Posted July 9, 2017 I'm an old-school player, have a ton of the old marines. I'll stick to those, not to keen on the primaris marines. Their fluff is cheesy as hell. I'll happily lean towards more of a horde-style space marine army, with old marines and lots of scouts. Brother Christopher 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tonius Posted July 9, 2017 Share Posted July 9, 2017 Primaris marines do look cool, but their taller size is the problem: new equipment, a third heart I can cope with... But taller marines is just ridiculous for me as regular marines are already 2,20m tall ! No primaris for me Robbienw and Brother Christopher 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freman Bloodglaive Posted July 10, 2017 Share Posted July 10, 2017 I like the Primaris models, and cutting pegs off heads allows a bit more variety and movement in the models, but I'll still mainly play regular Marines. I already have enough unassembled models to make several armies, and I find the new plastic Mk 3 and 4 armour very appealing, to the point that I want to make an Ultramarines army in them. I'll probably keep raiding eBay for the variant armour for a while at least, then get my bike company together. I'm going to put together some robed Fallen to go with Cypher, since he can be run as Imperium, and while I'm at it I'll model some of said Fallen into a Chaos Marine gang for Shadow Wars: Armageddon. Lots of chainswords and bolt pistols, with a couple of heavies with autocannon backing them up. I've been playing since 2nd edition, so I've seen plenty of change over the years, and 8th brought me back after skipping seventh and most of sixth. I'll always have a soft spot for my mini Marines. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
derLumpi Posted July 10, 2017 Share Posted July 10, 2017 Just bought another Tactical just because I can! :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
God-Potato of Mankind Posted July 10, 2017 Share Posted July 10, 2017 Considering so much sexy butt Heresy stuff is out there and Primaris are one pose wonders, I will be sticking to regular for a while derLumpi, Grim Dog Studios and Dosjetka 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lordhellblade Posted July 11, 2017 Share Posted July 11, 2017 Definitely picking up some Chaplains and some Vanguard vets. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lucerne Posted July 11, 2017 Share Posted July 11, 2017 Old marines? You mean truescale conversion kits with random arm and leg bitz thrown in for some reason? :p Kua 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jackalwolf Posted July 12, 2017 Share Posted July 12, 2017 I'm only going to buy resin terminators from now on. Absolutely not going to build old scale marines in my SW force. The normal marines I have too are conversions from FW character range which are almost as tall as Primaris and much better proportioned than the plastic kit. When I find how to obtain the perfect conversion for Space Wolves marines with good proportions between all the kits available and the new FW kits, I will do my line troops. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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