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Majority characteristics in a unit

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Apologies in advance if I've been totally blind and have missed this in the rule book, brothers.


I can't seem to find the rule saying you use a units majority statistic when targeting them. For example Jaws of the World Wolf targets a units Move characteristic. How would this be used against, say, a unit of Thousand Sons where the Rubric's move is less than their accompanying Sorcerors?


Against the majority value, or the highest value in the unit?


Thanks in advance.

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Against the majority value, or the highest value in the unit?

I don't think it's just you, the materials I've checked remain curiously silent on this question.


Wandering off into flavour country, given that it seems the subtraction of movement is about scrambling out of the way, there is a third viable interpretation for this: Use the lowest movement value in the targeted unit. This is strictly to muddy the waters with some RaI though and likely not what you came here for.


The only official guidance I found thus far is the 'Most Important Rule' sidebar on page 180 of your book and direction for their community managers to raise these inquiries through their social media channels. Telling them is probably the best course of action, it'll dramatically improve the odds of this appearing in the next edition of the FAQ, or even a correction being made to the presently announced 10 codices due out by Christmas which if you're lucky will include a tome on space wolves.

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