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Warptime and you (Chaos' Psycic Powers)

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Lads and lasses, I was wondering on your experiences with Warptime so far. I've got my battle planned for the summer and despite me liking Khorne overall I can't find the configurations that I believe are potent enough for a competitive setting just by playing without Psykers with Index Chaos.

So what lead me here is to have a good look at the Psycic Powers we do have available and with Warp Time being an accesable option to practically any Daemon Prince I believe that the competitive future of Chaos (for now) can indeed revolve around this concept of Daemon princes hunting down smaller units or simply getting up there fast enough to make great use of Rapid Fire weapons.
The Winged Warp Talon Daemon Prince configuration in my opinion is most certainly reliable enough at 180 points to whipe smaller units or simply get where it needs to be fast (thanks to Fly), meaning it can hunt down characters quite reliable which for certain objective is just key.

Chaos comes with much more as that though so in general I'm looking forward to the CSM and Daemon Psycic combos your looking the most forward to. The ones in my eyes who are straight up worthy inclusions in my eyes are:

- Daemon Prince of Chaos with Talons and Warp Time
- Sorcerer in Termi armour, Bike or Jet Pack with any larger form of Transport (though a typical Rhino will do just fine aswell)
- Death Guard Plaguecasters (including Thypus) support with Miasma 
- Daemonic Herald support for Daemon Princes and Daemonic Engines of Nurgle with Virulent Blessing for Vechicle hunting, Fleshy Abundance for attrition and most certainly the scariest prospect of all, Daemons of Slaanesh with Hysterical Frenzy in addition of all other possible boosts

All in all Im looking forward to your approaches. 


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