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Sun Reaver's Devastation of Baal Force - WIP

Sun Reaver

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Frater Sanguinius, 


Let me first start by stating: I love the Blood Angels. Since I started the hobby, 15 years ago, I have painted my marines red. As I have grown with the hobby, I have learned a great deal about the Sons of Sanguinius. I have also taken a liking to the numerous successor chapters that have been spawned; the Flesh Tearers specifically. This liking is so strong that I have often started and stopped numerous projects because I just couldn't decide on which chapter to paint. I even made my own DIY - it didn't last long. 


This issue, coupled with my inability to paint the same thing over and over again, has led to a constantly unpainted army. Then I thought, what if I were to make a force that included the Blood Angels and their successor chapters as well? My mind started racing. I started searching for a way to justify this through the lore because I'm a lore nut. 


Then, it hit me.


The Devastation of Baal. Duh! Every single successor chapter is there, including the Knights of Blood. (Well, maybe not the Angels Vermilion or the Lamentors, but eh) 


With the start of 8th edition, I would like to announce that I will be creating a force comprised of the Sons of Sangunius defending their birth world. This way I can continue to build, paint, and play with a unique looking force in which I could add to whenever I feel like painting a certain chapter. My hope is that this forum will aid me in coming with creative and lore-approved ways to accurately depict this force. I know there is a book coming out in September, but I figured I should start on this now so that when the book does release, it will give me a breath of fresh inspiration. 


The chapters that will be included in the force are the following: 


Blood Angels 

Flesh Tearers

Angels Encarmine

Blood Drinkers

Angels Sanguine 

Carmine Blades

Blood Swords

Knights of Blood

DIY Chapter

First question - should I create individual squads on different chapters, such as a Flesh Tearers Assault Squad and an Angels Encarmine Tactical Squad? Or should I do mixed squads? For example, if the army is in the latter stages of the defense, then I'd imagine the Assault Marines forming up together as well as Devastators all hunkered up defending the walls of the Fortress-Monastery. 


I have already decided that the two, 10 man Death Company Squads I will be painting up will be mixed. United in black (or white, in the Angels Encarmine's case) the units will look uniform but each model will shine individually. 


Thank your for taking the time to read my rather lengthy intro. I look forward to completing this project and sharing is this wondrous hobby. This forum is the very best and I hope you can share in my passions. 


For Sanguinius! 





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I think, generally, marines would want to fight alongside their own squads - a 5 man unit consisting of marines each from a different successor would look weird.


I'd have at least combat  squads of marines from the same chapter. 


You could always make an 'alt' death company comprised of marines that are the last survivors from their units, so have offered themselves in one last charge.

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Well, how about squads consisting of at least two separate chapters? Like a Tactical squad with 5 Blood Angels and 5 Flesh Tearers?


My thing is that since this is them defending the Arx Angelicum, they are the survivors. After weeks of staving off the Tyranid onslaught, they are the ones who are left. They've been united over the course of the battle. They've been pushed back all the way to the Fortress-Monastery. They are just trying to survive one more day hoping that is the last wave. They're all that is left. 


Every squad will have received casualties, some more than others. The smart thing to do would be to combine them to improve effectiveness. Right? 

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I got a pet project in mind for the devastation of Baal aswell, although its only about Blood angels and not the successors.Their numbers have dwindled so much after the battle that keeping the standard 10 comanies no longer makes sense. Instead the remaining forces are organized in three companies. The Archangels, which remains as is, the Eternals, which is comprised of ground units, i.e tacticals, devastators and vehicles, and the Bloodblades which is comprised of flying units, i.e. assault marines and flyers. Finally the death company remains as is and no primaris are admitted yet into the chapter. Dante doesnt like the idea of marines who have not gone through the indoctrination and rituals of the chapter.


Call it OCD, but this way I can build my Blood Angels without constantly thinking that I'm not building my army according to the official fluff.

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 @Lord Fancy Pants - Great minds! Have any links to your work?


@dread05 - That sounds like a fun project man! The Devastation of Baal provides so many routes for a player to go. I would love to see some photos of your force as well, any links?


@viewasjack - The box is great and Primaris looks sweet in the Flesh Tearers scheme. Thanks for the kind words bro :smile.:

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