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Advice on painting this colour scheme...


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Hi Everyone,


Thought I'd pop this question on here as well as on Dakka as I didn't get much response there.


I've decided to paint up a Primaris Space Marine force, and I've come across a paint scheme that I really, really like. :wow:


Check these out from Dakka from 2009:





Dakka Link: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/254412.page




1. How would you achieve the Red in this scheme?

- Ashen-Shugar listed out the method he used, but I wanted some advice on how to use more modern paints available?


2. White Elements?

- I'm thinking of using the GW tip video on White Purifier helmets to achieve the white colouring. Think that's wise or does anyone have better advice?


3. Golden Chapter symbols? Think these would work on a field of white on the Shoulder pads?

- I'm going to keep the white 'field' of the shoulder pad but use a gold rim to the shoulder pad, likely based with black first.

- As I'm painting Primaris the shoulder pads are pre-moulded, so I stuck using transfers for my chapter symbol (of which I'm likely to have custom made).

- I'm likely to re-use the Blood Angels symbol in pure Gold and was wondering if this would fade into the white too much?


I have some spare tactical marines to try a method or two on, but would appreciate some advice first!


I should of mentioned that I need something achievable, I've fully invested into my Primaris as my Starting 50-man army is the following:


30x Intercessors

10x Hellblasters

6x Inceptors

4x Characters (Captain, 2x Lieutentants, Ancient)


So I could really use something that doesn't require 20 layers of paint to achieve per colour! :'(

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I could have sworn I replied to this... Anyhoo, Mephiston Red, wash with Agrax Earthshade just in the recesses/panel lines. Reapply Mephiston Red leaving the recesses alone. Edge highlight Evil Suns Scarlett, extreme edge highlight Wild Rider Red. If the reds aren't close enough together, glaze with Bloodletter. I don't think you'll need the glaze though and I know in the original post he said he washed with black. I think that would be too extreme. You could replace Agrax with Carroburg Crimson, but I think Agrax is the better choice.
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You'd definitely want to chuck some medium into the nuln oil to make it less harsh on the red, and try to pinwash into the crevices as much as possible, rather than slather it on if you went that route.


The original gold isn't NMM - it's shining gold, black wash, then shining gold heavily cut with silver, then silver. Shining gold is quite a brassy gold going by my old pot. You could probably get a similar effect using skullcrusher brass over nuln oil washed vallejo old gold, finished with silver. Doing it as a more standard gold would not stand out as well on the white though I think, particularly if the shoulder rims are also gold.


The white definitely looks quite a cold version (which makes sense coming up from codex grey) so the white purifier technique should work well having just watched it.

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So I can't quite tell from the lighting but you may want to try some Vallejo "bloody red" as I think it is a much purer form of red than citadel. It's based on an older recipe (the one after the original 3rd edition blood red I believe) which has less orange to it.

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You'd definitely want to chuck some medium into the nuln oil to make it less harsh on the red, and try to pinwash into the crevices as much as possible, rather than slather it on if you went that route.


The original gold isn't NMM - it's shining gold, black wash, then shining gold heavily cut with silver, then silver. Shining gold is quite a brassy gold going by my old pot. You could probably get a similar effect using skullcrusher brass over nuln oil washed vallejo old gold, finished with silver. Doing it as a more standard gold would not stand out as well on the white though I think, particularly if the shoulder rims are also gold.


The white definitely looks quite a cold version (which makes sense coming up from codex grey) so the white purifier technique should work well having just watched it.


That looks really good for metal paints. It could just be the angel that makes the left shoulder look like NMM. Good job if you are the person that painted it.

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Thanks everyone for the comments back, I'll have a careful pick through and decide upon a scheme to test out.


My Primaris are sitting in front of me all grey plastic, tempting me into painting them, but getting this right first off is so important. I intend to go for a full company of the gitz, plus additional vehicles (I love the Redemptor Dreadnought), even if ends up being 20,000pts worth :D

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