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Questions re: Imperial Armor and keywords


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Imperial Armor Index: Forces of Chaos, Hellforged Scorpius




This suggests to me that I can use a Hellforged Scorpius as either Chaos, Mark of Chaos, Heretic Astartes, or Legion keyword armies. So if my army is keyword legion Deathguard, I could use a Hellforged Scorpius with the legion Deathguard keyword. However,


Index Chaos, Death Guard Army Rules, Page 57, under "Forces of the Death Guard",


"The Heretic Astartes datasheets listed to the right can be from the Death Guard Legion. Those that have the <Legion> keyword on their datasheet can replace it in all instances with DEATH GUARD. If a Heretic Astartes unit does not appear in the list to the right, it cannot have the DEATHGUARD Faction Keyword"


None of the Imperial Armor Index: Forces of Chaos datasheets are listed on any of the lists for legions in the Index: Chaos; and therefore rule as written none of them can be taken with the appropriate legion keyword. Is this a correct interpretation? It's really dumb, but as far as I can tell it's legitimate. Thus, you could only take the Imperial Armor Index: Forces of Chaos units in an army using the "chaos" keyword?

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There was an email that stated that they can be used, but it has not been faq'd or made official. So yes you take the units in the FW book as chaos, they don't get the extra legion specific rules but we'll have to wait for the actual codex probably to see how it will work out.
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For the moment, yes it is RAW. However, there is an email allegedly from Forgeworld stating that it is an oversight and will eventually be rectified(don't know if it'll be FAQ or whatever Imperial armours they plan on printing), so most people are agreeing to work on the belief that as long as the unit can take the keywords Death Guard and Nurgle(if it has the <Mark of Chaos> keyword) then it can for example be included in a Death Guard army.


But, yes, you can just skip that requirement and just use the Chaos, Heretic Astartes, or the <Mark of Chaos> keywords to include them if you don't feel comfortable with the above.

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