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CSM can't have Bolters and Chainswords?

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It's a choice between assault oriented squads with BP/CS and a couple special weapons that complement that - like plasma pistols or flamers - and mid range shooty oriented squads with BP/BG and a couple plasmaguns or maybe a heavy weapon.  It's a choice in specialization, with a generalist but less good at either option of mixing some BP/CS and some BP/BG models in the same squad.  It's intentional design, meant to allow variety in the kinds of squads you run to reflect the combat preferences of your army.


How successful it is is perfectly debatable, but I see nothing inherently wrong with the underlying concept.

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 I doubt the Grey Hunters all have those options modeled either. If a CSM squad has a mix of bolters and chainswords and pistols and was easily understood they were all armed with that combination, why is that so difficult to grasp now?



Comparing what space wolves get to what everyone else gets is a road that ends in madness and disappointment. 




This is the same GW that arbitrarily decided that all Blood Angels Terminator captains come with thunder hammers, because that is what the model has.


They're cutting back on unit options that they do not have the models for, to cut back on 3rd party extras.

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Which is understandable enough, but the standard gear change actually invalidates models they already make, in particular the aspiring champion and a few of the dark vengeance chosen.  Which is why I think the move is motivated as much by deliberate game design as by reflecting the models.

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I'm looking at the index and I just noticed that Chaos Space Marines can't take Bolters and Chainswords together like they could in 7th. Is this intended?


Just saw this post now.


​I've already posted the question on facebook when the index books where release & email check out on this.  It might be a over sight.  Just for me anyway I've models a LOT of my Iron Warriors with Bolter & Chainsword because I though it look cooler.

Edited by Insane Psychopath
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I'm looking at the index and I just noticed that Chaos Space Marines can't take Bolters and Chainswords together like they could in 7th. Is this intended?


Just saw this post now.


​I've already posted the question on facebook when the index books where release & email check out on this.  It might be a over sight.  Just for me anyway I've models a LOT of my Iron Warriors with Bolter & Chainsword because I though it look cooler.


It does look cooler. Some of my old 'true grit' Plague Marines are the same.


My gouty toes are crossed.

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Yeah, this whole 2 weapon thing is killing me because of the dark vengeance chosen. Funny enough, the 8e Dark Vengeance update allows the powerfist Chosen to have a pistol, bolter, and powerfist, but for the others it pretends the bolters on their backs arent there.


You can actually have a standard chaos marine with 3 weapons though, one of the options lets you ADD a weapon rather than trade. It is one of the ten man squad options though.

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Posted · Hidden by Iron-Daemon Forge, July 8, 2017 - Not needed or help the topic in anyway
Hidden by Iron-Daemon Forge, July 8, 2017 - Not needed or help the topic in anyway




Hopefully this will be changed in the new codex. If not, some of my models will just have to admire their chainswords during a battle as opposed to using them

For it to change you would require new csm models with bolter and chainsword option. The chance may be a little slim for this to happen.
I was under the impression the CSM box came with Chainswords?
They do, and there's even a Daily Duncan video where he paints up a CSM with a bolter and chainsword in Word Bearer red. Also I found out that Space Wolves kept the ability to keep Bolters and Chainswords, so now I'm further confused as to why CSM can't?

Because chaos space marines are the most codex complaint space marines of all time.

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Where kit are people using that are saying you can arm your chaos marines with bolter and chainsword?


Looking at my CSM sprues, the bolter is in two hands, the chainsword in one hand.


The only option* is to have the right arm with bolter holding it across the chest, then have a couple of chainswords in left hands


*without converting.


Um, across the chest how? CSM bolters are separate from hands, unlike most SM ones, and nothing stops you from straightening them up a bit or even gluing them to pistol (straight) arms.


I have sneaking suspicion that SW, who don't have to choose despite much smaller modelling options, are yet another case of Phil Kelly pumping up his favourite factions to win office games...

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Posted · Hidden by Iron-Daemon Forge, July 11, 2017 - No reason given
Hidden by Iron-Daemon Forge, July 11, 2017 - No reason given


If he is doing that, do you think he would get away with it?



Yup. Chaos have always got the short stick.


Absolutetely this. It sounds a little daft but the preforances of designers shine through. Same with everything can also be Ultra Marine now.


In addition since our Chaos fan designer left we got Chaos reduced to less than vanilla marines. It happens. All we can really hope for is that someday a Chaos fan will be part of the design team ;) 

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If he is doing that, do you think he would get away with it?


Look no further than 6th edition Eldar Codex that went from top 3 to disgustingly broken in 7th, with one slight nerf to most problematic unit and massive buffs to everything else, even OP stuff, including making formerly S4 guns into SD flamers. Or 5th edition Codex SW that was basically "SM with 20% discount and ultragrit on everything". I have no idea how he does that but if all books of his favorite factions land squarely on top and no one told him to tone it down yet somehow, it works. Maybe he does massively increase sales of formerly bad units. Or pretends to tone it down with factions he dislikes (see - Deathwatch). Either way, he is yet to write anything bad about Eldar or SW...

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If he is doing that, do you think he would get away with it?


Look no further than 6th edition Eldar Codex that went from top 3 to disgustingly broken in 7th, with one slight nerf to most problematic unit and massive buffs to everything else, even OP stuff, including making formerly S4 guns into SD flamers. Or 5th edition Codex SW that was basically "SM with 20% discount and ultragrit on everything". I have no idea how he does that but if all books of his favorite factions land squarely on top and no one told him to tone it down yet somehow, it works. Maybe he does massively increase sales of formerly bad units. Or pretends to tone it down with factions he dislikes (see - Deathwatch). Either way, he is yet to write anything bad about Eldar or SW...




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