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Titanicus questions

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Just a couple:


Firstly, do you get Tech-Priests assigned to the Legio, wearing Legio colours etc?


Second: how closely are the Moderati, Princeps and other non-priest personnel tied to the actual Cult Mechanicus? I've never seen mention of them having "improvements", even those native to Mars.

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1) I'd imagine so, or at least in the forge world's colours but a badge of the legio's symbol perhaps.

2)they're their own organisation entirely. But it's usually a symbiotic relationship for mutual gain, but no one is commanding those god machines other than princeps.

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1) Sounds good to me.


2) Sounds about right - I just always found it weird that, in a Martian society which has built itself up from almost nothing, there are two distinct groups (Knight Houses and the Collegia Titanica) who seem quite apart.

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As far as bionic enhancement, there are numerous cases. Even to pilot a titan you need a neural interface. On extreme cases, Warlord and Imperator titan princeps will be wired into an amniotic tank as it provides better connection to the titan.
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I really recommend reading Abnett's book "Titanicus", which deals with all of these matters in a creative and interesting way.

In short though

1 - Yep. I've seen this depicted in two ways: the Legio bring their priests, skitarii, groundcrew, air force and void fleet along. And the second, the Legio is stationed at a world or as a part of a larger flotilla which takes care of most such needs. Still, they should have specialized knowledge and crew who tend exclusively to the God Machines.

2 - Yeah, they all have improvements in some way that allow them to operate, and are connected to Mars and the priesthood. But Legios are from different worlds and have different cultures. Consider them a part of the many diverse groups that are connected to Mars, and retain some identity for themselves. During the Heresy, for instance, many were more loyal to their local forge world, their Legion, or other allegiances than to Mars. Same for different Myrmidon Cults, Forge Worlds, Cybernetica cohorts und so weiter.

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Titan Legios come from forge worlds,

Many forgeworlds were founded near existing Knight worlds to form symbiotic relationships (especially if the knight world had good mineral resources, the ore or foods exchanged for repairs and new knight suits).


So in chronology we start with Mars sending off the earliest colonists who become the Knight worlds, then in the next expansion, and moreso in the great crusade, the forgeworlds are set up and those each start up Titan Legions.

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I was mostly asking about the Martian Legios. Cavalerio, Camulos et al seem to be from the Red Planet, and the Triad Ferrum Morghulis originated back in the Age of Strife. So unless the crews were pinched from Terra, they'd have originated among Martian society.


Titanicus does sound handy

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Well, I dunno about official, but my own Titan Legion - the Astra Argentum - have tech-priests that are part of the Legion and wear Legion colours. They have AdMech training and provenance, obviously, as all members of the Adeptus Titanicus do, and owe fealty to Mars and the Omnissiah, but they don't wear Martian red.

On the other hand my Explorator Clade and various Engineseers etc etc are in Martian red, because, well, they're part of the Adeptus Mechanicus directly. 

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