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Templar Choices


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I am getting ready to build my Templar army, I have had them since the White Dwarf release several years ago.  Is there anythiing that the Templars cant take, other than librarians?  For example, I do not see anyone taking Templar terminators, whether taking certain units is a good idea is another story, just want to know if there is anything that I can not take other than librarians or characters from other chapters obviously.

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We used to have restrictins on Scout squads, Whirlwinds and librarians.

Those restrictions are long gone, with the exception of the librarians. With 8th you can field pretty much any "codex unit" and then there's the option to join forces with other imperial factions.


One concern I have with this edition though is the fact that we, so far, have no way to stop psychic powers as we don't have access to librarians (on a pure BT list) hope they change this in the future.

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Some time this month should be the release of the new Codex: Space Marines... we should have new rules in there I reckon...


But we'll never be able to field Librarians... it's just absolute heresy to do so...


As for Templar Terminators, plenty of people field them...


Also, Templars substitute Librarians for Crusader Squads, which is a Templar only unit... it's an adhoc unit of Initiates and Neophytes which can use close combat weapons.

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Welcome Brother!


As Marshal Roujakis shared, do not be afraid to take terminators, especially the Assault variety with a Storm Shield and a Thunderhammer. There are many units to fear in our codex. They will come to hate your Assault terminators.



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Only Librarians fall into the 'absolutely never' category.


Independent Scout squads (and their Land Speeder Storm transports) are extremely unlikely (but still legal), as they conflict with the Templar way of mentoring new blood.


Finally, Devastators, Centurion Devastators, and Whirlwinds are also rare, as they don't mesh well with our preferred tactics. However, they aren't unheard of, and wouldn't be a deviation from the fluff in limited numbers.


Aside from those, everything is good!

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and Whirlwinds are also rare,



Actually, we had Whirlwinds before we didn't have Whirlwinds. Then we got them back.


"If you have a Whirlwind, set it free. If it never comes back, it wasn't yours in the first place.  If it returns, then it will be yours forever." - Adeptus Hallmarkus

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but you cant do it when he is  your enemy... i mean you can do it but then you die very fast. Maybe if you charge the razorback which Guiliman stands behind. so 12 shots on 6s with rerolls ... wow....


I compare it to other strong units and at the moment you have to compere all things with that because you will often play against such things !

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Or I'll never play against such things. Because nobody here plays ultramarines...


There is no such thing as a universal meta.


if you play against the same people each time then okay. But if you are going to other places there is a high possibilty to meet them... and thats not just one oft those, there are a few others i think.

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So you uncovered the inevitable truth that, as soon as one meets an army featuring guilliman, one should roll over and beg for mercy?

I've heard this netlist crap sooo many times and have yet to have a game where it's as lopsided as stated. Not saying it'll be easy but this is a game with loads of dice rolling after all. And this is definitely the wrong subforum to suggest cowardly surrender. ZEAL overcomes all uphill battles eventually!

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try it :wink:


(and please, try it with Crusadersquads)


I already did it... I mean the Razorback thing... but not with Crusader Squads... 1 Devastator squad with 2 Lascannons out shoots Razorbacks all the time... usually takes 2 turns for me...


As for Guilliman, why in the name of the Golden Throne would I toss a Crusader Squad to take out Guilliman? A Crusader Squad is good at taking out other Troops choices... or taking out lightly armored Elite Choices, not a Primarch... I've killed him, but it usually takes an Assassin Squad or 2 Squads of Assault Terminator in 7th... as for 8th, maybe just 1 squad of Thunder Hammer Terminators would take his down, seeing that TH deals 3 Damage per Wound... I haven't tried any Assassins in 8th, but I heard they're better now...


But tossing Crusader Squads at Guilliman will always be a dumb move, unless you're throwing 6 14-man squads at him and they're all equipped with Grav, Plasma, Thunder Hammers and Power Fists...

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Posted · Hidden by Acebaur, July 12, 2017 - inappropriate
Hidden by Acebaur, July 12, 2017 - inappropriate
Judging​ from the content (if you can call it that) of his posts on other parts of this forum I'm beginning to think that Medjugorje is a forum troll. An agent of Horus sent to frustrate and misdirect us. Pay him no mind, for such foul creatures feed from our attention, and given none they will go back to the festering warp plane from whence they came.
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and Whirlwinds are also rare,



Actually, we had Whirlwinds before we didn't have Whirlwinds. Then we got them back.


"If you have a Whirlwind, set it free. If it never comes back, it wasn't yours in the first place.  If it returns, then it will be yours forever." - Adeptus Hallmarkus



I prefer to look at our Codices by significance rather than chronologically.  And the big daddy book says you're wrong.  So there.  :verymad::tongue.::teehee:



but you cant do it when he is  your enemy... i mean you can do it but then you die very fast. Maybe if you charge the razorback which Guiliman stands behind. so 12 shots on 6s with rerolls ... wow....


I compare it to other strong units and at the moment you have to compere all things with that because you will often play against such things !

Ahhh the universal "you."  Wonderfully pointless net mentality, given that there is nothing to support applying it to individuals' circumstances without actually seeing them, their game communities, frequent opponents, or fortune cookie prophecies.  You can say with justified confidence that such things can and will happen somewhere at some time, but you can't tell a group full of strangers in environments you are unfamiliar with that they face any inevitability.  Even better is focusing on one singular inevitability.  'Guilliman exists so all lists should be tailored around that, because it will be in every game you ever play from now on.'  
Edited by Firepower
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lets being objecitve please.  Crusadersquads are a cool choice, but not good in game. They can be well in fluffgames but if you playing a little bit competititve - you have to play them in a shooty way.


I played them yesterday with combi-melta, melta and Multimelta. 3x5 squads in a LRC with Helbrecht, they performed very well. I like to see my templars running good but i would prefer to see such results with one  15-man  squad in a LRC, and not only Helbrecht perform well.

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Personally, I just figured I'd save myself the heart ache down the line and just went full primaris.


Yeah I can't do that... it's either sell 300 models and go Primaris or don't buy any Primaris and keep my sanity and wallet a little but more intact...

I have far far too many Space Marines right now, and if I go Primaris, I might just try and true-scale my Templars... and I have no patience nor skill to strip fully painted miniatures, cut them apart and re-scale them just so that Helbrecht looks decent right next to a Primaris Captain... NO WAY IN THE NAME OF EVERY IMPERIAL SAINT AM I GOING TO HAVE A SPACE MARINE CHAPTER MASTER LOOK MINISCULE RIGHT NEXT TO SOME.... UPSTART!...

sigh... sorry... Primaris gets me.... zealous....


If I start Primaris, it won't be Templars... it'll break the scale for my Templars... and that's just going to upset me some more, considering the lengths I went through to get smaller "human" models to join my Space Marines...

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Personally, I just figured I'd save myself the heart ache down the line and just went full primaris.



Yeah I can't do that... it's either sell 300 models and go Primaris or don't buy any Primaris and keep my sanity and wallet a little but more intact...

I have far far too many Space Marines right now, and if I go Primaris, I might just try and true-scale my Templars... and I have no patience nor skill to strip fully painted miniatures, cut them apart and re-scale them just so that Helbrecht looks decent right next to a Primaris Captain... NO WAY IN THE NAME OF EVERY IMPERIAL SAINT AM I GOING TO HAVE A SPACE MARINE CHAPTER MASTER LOOK MINISCULE RIGHT NEXT TO SOME.... UPSTART!...

sigh... sorry... Primaris gets me.... zealous....


If I start Primaris, it won't be Templars... it'll break the scale for my Templars... and that's just going to upset me some more, considering the lengths I went through to get smaller "human" models to join my Space Marines...

Ah yes... that part does suck :(


On a slight side note, Helbrecht can be upgraded to a primaris as well. Acording to the fluff anyway. :)

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