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Templar Choices


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Personally, I just figured I'd save myself the heart ache down the line and just went full primaris.


Yeah I can't do that... it's either sell 300 models and go Primaris or don't buy any Primaris and keep my sanity and wallet a little but more intact...

I have far far too many Space Marines right now, and if I go Primaris, I might just try and true-scale my Templars... and I have no patience nor skill to strip fully painted miniatures, cut them apart and re-scale them just so that Helbrecht looks decent right next to a Primaris Captain... NO WAY IN THE NAME OF EVERY IMPERIAL SAINT AM I GOING TO HAVE A SPACE MARINE CHAPTER MASTER LOOK MINISCULE RIGHT NEXT TO SOME.... UPSTART!...

sigh... sorry... Primaris gets me.... zealous....


If I start Primaris, it won't be Templars... it'll break the scale for my Templars... and that's just going to upset me some more, considering the lengths I went through to get smaller "human" models to join my Space Marines...

Ah yes... that part does suck :sad.:


On a slight side note, Helbrecht can be upgraded to a primaris as well. Acording to the fluff anyway. :smile.:



No model, no upgrade... if he gets a Primaris Helbrecht that is an official Helbrecht in Primaris scale, and Grimaldus, and the Emperor's Champion... then I will have to concede... and by then my models would probably be obsolete and not sell to any amount... right now, I think they're just going to pump out as many generic Primaris as they can, then start with the other factions that need an upgrade too... but seriously, GW didn't need Primaris Space Marines... they need plastic updates for every unit selection they have available... I mean... there aren't even plastic Sisters... and look at the Ork buggy... the models on it are obsolete 4 editions ago! This is what upsets me with GW... their focus is in the wrong direction... atleast they fixed the rules and are more responsive now than before...


sigh... As for Templar choices... Land Raiders are always a good choice... maybe some Assassins as well if you want to take out characters early in the game... 

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try it :wink:


(and please, try it with Crusadersquads)


I already did it... I mean the Razorback thing... but not with Crusader Squads... 1 Devastator squad with 2 Lascannons out shoots Razorbacks all the time... usually takes 2 turns for me...


As for Guilliman, why in the name of the Golden Throne would I toss a Crusader Squad to take out Guilliman? A Crusader Squad is good at taking out other Troops choices... or taking out lightly armored Elite Choices, not a Primarch... I've killed him, but it usually takes an Assassin Squad or 2 Squads of Assault Terminator in 7th... as for 8th, maybe just 1 squad of Thunder Hammer Terminators would take his down, seeing that TH deals 3 Damage per Wound... I haven't tried any Assassins in 8th, but I heard they're better now...


But tossing Crusader Squads at Guilliman will always be a dumb move, unless you're throwing 6 14-man squads at him and they're all equipped with Grav, Plasma, Thunder Hammers and Power Fists...


2 Lascannoen are 2,59 Wounds each round if you can shoot with BS 3+


we play mathhammer

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If the rule all and be all of the tabletop is mathhammer, why buy models?  Slap your spreadsheets on the table and wage war with your calculators. :tongue.:


Hyperbole, mind you.  But the underlying point stands.  If the only reason to pick anything is to have the highest numbers, why play Templars at all?  Everyone says the Ork and Nid hordes have the best numbers now.  Or if you're doggedly sticking to C:SM, surely the presence of Guilliman means Ultramarines are the only army worth taking, because numbers?


There's more to Warhammer on the tabletop than averages calculated in a vacuum.  There always has been.  It's a game of numbers but also of positioning, incalculable circumstance (dice can only be averaged, but terrain, objectives and the like cannot be calculated at all), thematic clashes, narrative, and fun.  Remember that idea?  Fun?  So far you've forged arguments running off the two assumptions that 1) the only lists anyone will ever run into are the most hardcore of hardcore lists and 2) that if something doesn't result in the best averages, it's worthless.  Neither of these things are remotely true, and by most judgement both would preclude taking Templars at all in the first place, never mind individual unit comparisons (i.e. Terminators are bad because they aren't Guilliman and Razorbacks).


Mathhammer is a tool to help play the game, not the game itself.


Just as an aside, this thread is ludicrously off topic now.  It was originally about what units Templars weren't thematically or rule wise allowed to take.

Edited by Firepower
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Quite. If folks have further questions about thematic unit choices, by all means continue. I'm sure the fluff/meta/competitive discussion has been explored since the dawn of wargaming, but if you need to discuss it further then a dedicated thread is better.
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