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Soooo i had my first 2 games. Couple of tactic questions tho

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Yesterday i fought with 2 good opponents : 

Battle 1 VS GK 

"That guy" had 2 storm ravens , 5 of those gk troop , the ones that have storm bolters and double falchion , and Kaldor.
Man , those flyers are BEAST they can pretty much fly over on the first turn , unleash hell and on the second turn declare hover and charge your backfield.
On the other side he was able to charge on turn 1 , this is the first time i was alpha charged so i didnt know what to do , other than recieve the charge and hold as much as i can.
In the end , GK won by tabling me.

Battle 2 VS Nydz 

Holly lord , haha , again , i was turn 1 charged by a Trygon and a unit of 9 warriors  and since i was castled well , pretty much everything got into combat after pile ins and cons, i was able to hold a couple turns but as soon as the genestealer and Flyrant got into combat it was pretty much game over.
In the end , Nydz won , tabled.

Here's the list im using right now and probably be bringing into a tourney at the end of the month.

1k pts , one detach only , patrol.

Techmarine with conversion beamer , Thunder hammer and plasma pistol

tac squad 6 marines , sgt with chainsword , grav.
tac squad 6 marines , sgt with chainsword , grav.

Devs 8 with sgt chainsword and 2 lasscannons and 2 missiles

razorback twin assault cannon , hunter missile , storm bolter
razorback twin assault cannon , hunter missile , storm bolter
razorback twin lasscannon , hunter missile , storm bolter

And im using the "castle up" strat so pretty much everything rerolls and have 4 inv. But its not working against those alpha strikers , any tips or advice?.


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Yea. You need blockers. Either use marines that you don't put points into or better yet use barebones scouts for 55 points. They also area deny using their deployment. Expect the turn 1 charge. Measure 9" from your castle then place your blockers. That puts your opponent that much further if they are deep strikers. Then you have at least 2 turns to shoot them.


I don't think marines are competitive at 1k. Our :cuss is too expensive.

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It scales poorly at the higher points too. We may see a balance in future Indexes.


But that aside, when spreading any blockers out, you can measure out 18" plus the size of their DS base. And between the blockers about 11" creates a great bubble.

6 cheap units can provide about 2'x3' if you are careful. Scouts and/or single HB Attack bikes are great for it.

But if they are just flying in, block their base size area closer in.

Edited by Interrogator Stobz
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This is going to be an inherent issue with Marines. Seeing as we don't have the redundancy to bubble wrap, we need staying power and quality and get through. SW have TWC, SM have Tacs Sicarius combo, Primaris will probably have the Redemptor Dread. DA could possible catch a few assault with DWK, but will that be enough? Scouts can definitely try to mess up those 9" deep strikes, but they won't help against extremely quick armies that have no need for alternate deployment. To be fair, I have no ideas outside of some blocking Rhinos, staggered deployment and terrain. But who knows, maybe some redundant Rhinos to catch the first wave is enough. After they charged and wrecked them, I can see DW deep striking behind the opponent while the units that disembarked move to fire and possibly charge. Sandwich them. Edited by Immersturm
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I just had a 2000pt game and used my Thunderhawk supported by 1160pts of RW. It started out as a crazy idea due to frustration, but it is legal and fixed the problem of hitting things hard; D3 S16 -4 2D6D is brutal for skinning the cat, and the 24 HB shots were a fantastic surprise for stripping wounds too.


None of that will fix your specific problem though unless you have far too much money and are masochistic.

Tabled Wraithdar in 4 turns

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Yea I'm gonna run a list of thunderhawk and two fire raptors and some scouts lol. Just for funsies. Until they fix the Relic rule thunderhawk is my transport. But once they fix the Relic rule the old mastodon full of deathwing is back!

Stobz what was your list?

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  • 5 weeks later...

I ended up winning the tournament , it was very tough , had great opponents.
I brought this list :

2x Razorbacks with TL Assault Cannon (Assbacks)
1X Razorback with TL LassCannon
6 Devastator Squad with 2x Lasscannons , sgt with power sword
5 Tac squad with  grav cannon and power sword
5 Tac squad with plasma cannon and power sword
5 scouts

I played against : 

Draigo + StormRaven + Inceptors + Troop (i forgot the gk troop name) + Razor with Twin Lass , pretty much everything was on my side on turn 1 , managed to survive and counter with bubble and scout screen.

Astra militarum with melta commands , valkyre , vulture (40 shots jeeeez) , a tank that didnt need LoS to shoot and a Vanq with flamers , pretty heavy stuff , again , bubble and harass from scouts made it possible to clear everything that got into my side and then went for him he had to kill my scouts or otherwise i would charge him.

Last game was against Ad Mech , he had 2 shooty Kastellans , onager with icarus , tech priest , datasmith , some bald dudes and quite heavy on troop , i think it was 3 or 4  vanguards , this is the only game that i played the mission , took his troop asap with the Assbacks while focusing on his Kastellans with my Lasscannons , its worth notice that i only managed to kill 1 , he had a lot of luck and i rolled poorly on damage also , he healed them each turn.

In all games , Celestine was the MVP , i can vouch that she's totally broken for the pts. 

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Yup. In my list Celestine is soooo good. And you don't even care if she dies. She soaks firepower. Kills things. Moves double fast. And when she finally dies, usually turn 2-3, she comes back right onto a backfield objective or in your opponents zone or somewhere equally obnoxious and they have to deal with her again. So good
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