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Forge World units for BA in 8th


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I bought the Forge World Imperial Armour: Forces of the Adeptus Astartes book eager to have the rules for my Sicaran and Deredeo but I'm a bit confused - there's no mention of Blood Angels anywhere (nor Dark Angels or Space Wolves for that matter), only Space Marines, Grey Knights, Inquisition and Sisters.


So currently can we even take these things, and if we can, can they have the Blood Angels keyword?

Edited by LutherMax
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Tournaments are well, up to the TO. Part of the reason they've often been banned there is that the forgeworld rulebooks have been a bit... scattered with regards keeping up to date with the main rules - lots of stuff written for 6th not being updated for 7th etc. It's like many tweaked or banned d-weapons, invisibility etc to try and ensure a level playing field.


8th is a whole new ballgame across both companies, but yeah, I wouldn't count on FW stuff being legal in any given tournament. That said, the ITC format does allow forgeworld in your battle forged army.



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From what I've seen of the rules for FW units so far, they've been toned down a bit for 8th. There are fewer special rules (abilities now) per unit and points costs have gone up.


I don't think FW will be considered as OP in 8th.

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I thought you can not use Forge World stuff in tournaments, or has this changed in recent years?

It has.  Towards the end of 6th, tournaments started opening up FW a little.  Then, by the time 7th rolled around, FW was really well balanced in terms of cost-to-effectiveness. The stuff was still very good, but not broken OP.  Added to this saw the introduction of Super-heavies and "Lords of War" into the main/core rules. 


This resulted in a lot of big tournaments hugely relaxing the FW restrictions.  


The anti-FW tourney sentiment is currently (and thankfully now) as much of a relic as the Sicaran or Scorpios :P

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From the FAQ:

Q. Are there any restrictions on which Chapter I can choose when replacing the Faction keyword on datasheets within this book?

A. Yes. You cannot choose for any of these units to be from the Legion of the Damned, Grey Knights or Deathwatch Chapters. They can be from any other Chapter though, including Blood Angels, Dark Angels and Space Wolves.

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Compared to 7e, they get quite a lot more:



In 7e (besides ordinary Marines, which got everything):


Dark Angels got Chaplain Dreadnoughts, Mortis Dreadnoughts, Contemptor, and Contemptor Mortis


Space Wolves, and Dark Angels (but not Blood Angels), got Fire Raptors and Storm Eagles, Siege Dreadnoughts, and Relic Predator Deimos.



So that's quite a good bit of new stuff.

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But how do I know which tanks I'm allowed to use in a 40k BA list? I suppose a lot of models are 30k only right? ( I'm really not familiar with FW stuff. I like the look of the Sicaran Battle Tank though and would love to be able to use it)
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If you don't have the index to refer to, pretty much all the FW space marine tanks, aircraft, dreads and artillery from the forgeworld 40k section are available. BA don't get ironclad or ven dreads (they're in the GW index anyway)


There's a handful of 30k ones that aren't; the claw drop pods are chaos only IIRC, jetbikes, and chimea-based ones like the medusa and basilisk. 

Edited by Arkhanist
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Off the back of this, I've picked up a Storm Eagle (which BA should always have had access to, IMNSHO) as the biggest non-Relic transporter. Current plan is to transport 15 DC on foot plus buff characters... and later, play around with Terminators and jump pack troops, maybe mixing and matching, seeing what combinations are effective or fun or both. :-)
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