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Help with faction

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So I began a chaos army a while back and the schem I'm working with is a dark green with a heavy black wash, then a light dry brush of the same dark green...I'll post pics shortly. I was kind of going for my own spin of the fallen, but with recent changes a fallen army appears to be hard to field. So I'm wondering, fluff wise, which route can I take. I'm not huge in the fluff and background. The only army that hits on dark green was really alpha legion. I'm just hoping for a few recommendations that I could pursue with it. I'm guessing black legion would be the easiest? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I'm trying to get back into the hobby, just school has destroyed my fun game time.

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You could always make your own warband/renegade chapter :) Thats the beauty of Chaos; you have unlimited creative license to do what you want. Or, if you really want to do a Fallen army, you could field the entire force as a "Fallen" force, but make actual Fallen units unique in their paint scheme in some way, kind of like how the Deathwing and Ravenwing get their own paint scheme in Dark Angel armies. Just make the ones you already have painted standard Chaos Marines for your more rank and file Fallen, where the uniquely painted/converted ones would be more akin to Chosen in a regular Chaos force but use the Fallen unit rules.




Edited by Kaldoth
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