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Looking for an opinion on a list


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Hello fellow angels!


While I know there are a number of tactica pages out there; but I have a 1250 point list that I would appreciate your opinions of.

It's a 1250 point core Blood Angels list, using the one Battalion Detachment (for those sweet +3 command points)


Battalion Detachment 1250       HQ         72 Chaplain Crozius Arcanum Bolt Pistol   78 Captain Master Crafted Boltgun "Combat Blade,"   Troops         168 Tactical Squad; 10 man Power Sword Meltagun Heavy Flamer 72 Rhino Storm Bolter     171 Tactical Squad; 10 man Plasma Pistol Meltagun Heavy Flamer 72 Rhino Storm Bolter     111 Scout Squad; 5 man Sniper Rifles x 4 Missile Launcher Camo Cloaks x 5 Fast Attack         101 Assault Squad; 5 man Chainsword Flamer Meltagun 115 Razorback Twin Lascannon     128 Land Speeder Multi Melta Assault Cannon   Heavy Support         162 Baal Predator Twin Assault Cannon Heavy Bolter x 2  


Idea behind it is to "rhino rush," the enemy with the tactical squads and assault squad (who the chaplain will be joining) while the Baal Pred and Speeder keep pace giving support fire.

Meanwhile; the scout squad and captain will hang around the deployment zone, giving what covering fire they can while protecting the home objective (if there is one)


So what are your thoughts toward this list? I would appreciate any insight you may have.


For the Glory of Sanguinius!


Captain Spiros

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