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Fitting into a deployment zone

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It says a unit must be deployed in the respective zone, now 8th has many gaps and does not include the word wholly and that is often excluded for other situations (disembarking, bubbles etc).

From what I can find, the rest of the rules are silent on the matter, but the assumption is that we don't start closer than the line to the opponent.


My issue is, that I have a Thunderhawk, it is huge and cannot fit in a standard 12" long edge deployment zone anymore, due mostly to not starting in reserves.


Is it auto-destroyed for not fitting?


If you only measure from the 'hull' you could discount the wings and it would fit...


If you allow overhang due to not being 'wholly within' it would fit...





I have a tournament next weekend and need to chat with the TO first and need to have a good arguement for...





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What's the rules for the thunderhawk in the way of movement etc? does it say from the base or from the hull (some vehicles are different). If it doesn't specify from the hull then all measurements are taken from the base and so long as the base fits, like a cat, it sits.

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Thanks Zamtro,


To Hit:


When targeting this unit with shooting and psychic powers, always measure to the model’s hull where it would be at tabletop level, even if it is on a flying base. In addition, unless the attacking unit has the FLY keyword, add 12” to the measured distance to determine the range when making shooting attacks against the Thunderhawk Gunship. Note that this means many short-ranged shooting weapons will not be able to hit this model.

Your opponent must subtract 1 from to hit rolls for attacks that target this model in the Shooting phase. "


Moves like a normal flyer, so I guess the base size is the key...

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