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=][= Unit(s) of the week: Infantry Squads =][=


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If as a stationary squad then yeah I could see the point of heavies. When I do a real combined arms force I will load up my firebase infantry "bubble wrap" squads with lascannons in hopes I get a couple big hits in before they die, but my airborne stuff I wouldn't bother, not that I have a choice. Same for if I was using chimera squads to move out and take objectives. No point in spending the points for a unit that might get one or two rounds of shooting in, probably at a negative modifier at that.


@Withershadow I must have the other command squad packs that don't have all the options. I have the ones with the powerfist commander and plasmagun. Easy enough to convert everything though, even if the plasma pistols look stupidly ginormous. At least I can see where the officer or sgt is fairly easily.

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So far when I've taken them I haven't used them and then when I dont I need them.

Really depends on the terrain layout.

I think for a take all comers list they're probably a nice to have if you have the points. Allows you more deployment flexibility I think.

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I am taking some voxes, yes.  My current favorite command squad load-out is a mortar, standard/medic, and vox caster.  This unit can easily hide out of line of sight with your commander, keeping them safe.  I put heavy weapon teams nearby to be main beneficiaries, but the flanking/protecting squads often benefit from get back in the fight or FRFSRF buffs when the enemy starts applying local pressure.

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I was initially really apprehensive of losing combined-squads but overall it works better. Squads are flexible enough to move around or you can clump them up with buff givers to make nasty firebases. 2 Squads with FRFSRF and rerolling 1s to hit (bunch of sources) and +1 to hit (sabres) are seriously scary for not many points at all. Throw in access to cheap plasma and basic heavy weapons and most Guard armies can lay down an impressive amount of useful bodies  


I keep oscillating between using Heavy Weapons on them. I think I've gearing up a list to hand out rerolls and other bonuses, mortars and heavy bolters add a cheap extra punch. But it makes you a lot more static

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Is anyone arming their Sargents with plasma pistols?


Currently I’m using Boltguns with mixed success. Looks cool as all heck. At least they are dirt cheap. That and any extra dice is still better than no dice at range.


My squads tend to get inside 12” for FRFSRF and a little plasma sure sounds good with all the power armor punks out there.

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I've been running several squads with plasma gun and plasma pistol. I use the Tallarn doctrine and play very aggressively with my infantry.


Any chance you could post your full list?


I'm working on something similar and I'd really like to see what your full list looks like.

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I've been running several squads with plasma gun and plasma pistol. I use the Tallarn doctrine and play very aggressively with my infantry.


Any chance you could post your full list?


I'm working on something similar and I'd really like to see what your full list looks like.


My WIP list is posted in the Army Lists section.  It is titled Tallarn+Inquisition.  I am not completely satisfied with it yet.  I am still modifying it but you can see where I am currently at with it.

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So far I've only run my squads naked. I save the special weapons for my scions/veterans and the heavy weapons for my Cadian spearhead detachment. I have 3 heavy weapon squads that like to re-roll all their misses. I take infantry squads for the mass lasgun fire which with orders becomes really scary for 40 points. I am thinking about bringing a bolter on the sergeant just so he can throw some dice out at range; if he kills one of anything with the bolter he's made points back.

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Cadian squads: plasmagun and heavy, usually a lascannon. Cheap, safe, and effective. I prefer these over hwt.


Agreed here.  I've swapped my 7th edition Infantry Squads from Autocannon/Grenade Launcher to Lascannon/Plasma Gun thanks to Born Soldiers/Take Aim!, and I've shifted the Autocannons into HWT to keep them on the table (and make them less attractive to enemy fire than a pure LC HWT).  I don't bother with Vox-Casters because Creed exists (and is worth it, IMO), but for those who can't use him I think taking one per officer is a solid plan.


As for equipping Sergeants, I've never considered it worth the trouble.  I'm a bit annoyed that GW took away the option to give my Sergeants Lasguns (why?), so I may work on converting a number with Bolters so I can keep the range bonus available (even though it doesn't work with FRFSRF for some reason).  The PP isn't worth it for me because if anything is that close to my dudes I'm either running them away (Move! Move! Move! is good business) or writing them off as fodder for an armoured/Bullgryn counterattack  :P

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Im still confused as to why only vet sgts get power fists...


I think its a legacy issue - since 3rd ed, infantry sergeants have had limited options compared to veteran sergeants.  For veterans, the reasoning behind their getting more options is that they have survived longer and are good scroungers, so have picked up gear that they wouldn't have otherwise.


So, at least in the early days, I think it was a way to show that IG were less elite and had less options for elite wargear than did space marines.

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What are your thoughts on Catachan dudesmen squads? I'm tempted to keep them mostly bare but with some plasma to give them some more teeth.

I like just a flamer but my catachan are often at the front taking charges and i find it helps. I like just a bolter amd chainsword. 3 atracks at str 4 is nothing to sneeze at.

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