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=][= Unit(s) of the week: Infantry Squads =][=


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For my defensive screens (as opposed to gunline squads) I run then with just a single flamer.

They usually throw themselves on a nearby objective and wait and then throw themselves inbetween the enemy and my main gun line.

I have at least 3 squads for these duties

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I don’t run gunline squads. Just a Bolter and nine Lasguns. My Compamy Commanders fight on the front lines with the Infantry (to dispense FRFSRF). At 12” screen squads effectively become cheap gunline squads against T5 or less units with up to 38 dice without the Volley Fire stratagem. They also seem to lag against -1 to hit units.
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If you're planning to DS screen or receive a charge then a flamer, bolter and lasguns are probably your friend. Since my dudes are Catachan and I'm planning on running Straken and Priest I have more incentive to counter-charge so I'd probably save the points on the flamer and gear the sarge for CC.

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Hmm, generally you're only dropping 4 Lasguns shots for the SpecWeap in exchange for some other kind of punch. I'd also say you might not necessarily be dropping Orders on every squad, plus it's only 2 shots lost at >12". 

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Hmm, generally you're only dropping 4 Lasguns shots for the SpecWeap in exchange for some other kind of punch. I'd also say you might not necessarily be dropping Orders on every squad, plus it's only 2 shots lost at >12". 


Oh, I appreciate that it's not a huge difference. I just realised that the sergeant is the one contributing the least firepower, so I wondered if it made the most sense to upgrade his weapon, rather than a regular squad member.

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Hmm, generally you're only dropping 4 Lasguns shots for the SpecWeap in exchange for some other kind of punch. I'd also say you might not necessarily be dropping Orders on every squad, plus it's only 2 shots lost at >12".

That’s true, also don’t forget you can split fire everything. So for instance you can blast away with your Lasguns at a squad within 12, and have your grenade launcher crack off a shot against another long range target for full effect.

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Recently, I have been equipping my infantry with either plasma guns or grenade launchers.  If I am facing an alpha strike army or one that wants to get into combat then I place the grenade launcher squads up front.  If I am facing a more conventional force then I tend to use those same squads in a fire support role or to camp backfield objectives.  I have not reached a verdict yet as to whether this is a strategy I will continue to pursue but I have the models and figured it was worth experimenting with.

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I've been running grenade Launchers on my Squads for years and they haven't let me down yet. True, this is mainly due to the fact that they are dirt cheap but a few long range, assault Kraks flying about are bound to do some damage to something! I also have some squads with flamers and don't run Heavy Weapons on them any more. Cheap with lots of lasguns is what you want. With the various Mordian rules making them king of the lasgun (which I love, it's all I ever wanted.. sniff...) I'm tempted to drop the Grenade Launchers for more Lasguns and maybe move them into my command squads? Then flamers into special weapon squads... Something to think about for sure.


Flag, Medic, 2x Grenade Launchers. Seems decent and not overly threatening to the enemy. 12 blokes with 6 Flamers popping out of a Chimera (Dual heavy flamers naturally) also might do some damage.


That leaves 41pt (bolter) Infantry squads which seem almost indecently cheap for what they do. 6 of them for less than 250 pts is Imperial Guard pornography right there... Since those do the real heavy lifting in my army I'm now wondering just what the hell the other 1,250 pts do during a game!?

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I'm mainly against power armour as well, but the weight of fire always take out a few of the smarmy gits.


Is that Plasma guns on Infantry squads? everyone seems to think they're well worth it now which is quite the change, and I'm not adverse to modelling a few up myself. Would you rather run:


a) Bolter, Flamer, 8 Lasguns

b) Bolter, Grenade Launcher, 8 Lasguns

c) Bolter, Plasma gun, 8 Lasguns.


Mordian doctrine, plenty of orders to dish out.

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I run Tallarn, which makes Plasma Guns basically Assault, which is nice. Personally they're cheap and there to give the line infantry a bit of kick at a crucial moment. Being able to pretty reliably put down a Terminator at the right moment helps a tonne as Lasguns quite rightly bounce off those guys, not to mention being able to contribute against larger foes.


For Mordians other options might be better though. I imagine Grenade Launchers on Frag mode would kick out a fair few shots on good rolling with the Volley Fire stratagem.

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Same cost as Plasma, Plasma can affect the game from further away and against more targets. I find the Flamer is very rarely the deterrent it's made out to be, given that you only get one.


I agree entirely.


However, since I only play casual games, I always feel uncomfortable bringing nothing but plasma. I find I want to include something else, if only for variety's sake.


And, whilst Flamers may not be the best weapon, I really do love the models.


(Also, I seem to have about 20 of the bloody things.) 

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Much depends on your opponent naturally but auto-hit is rather nice, especially when you're expecting to be charged (as these pickets are intended to screen). A mix could have plasma as the second line to make use of their range and deliver a punishing return salvo after the flamer squad falls back - best of both?

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I never actually realised it was the same price for Plasma and Flamer, hmm...


I think I might add a couple of Plasma Guns and then just run two squads with each weapon. I'd have them all then. Of course they will always be in the wrong place but again, hardly their fault...


I have a Squad of Plasma and Melta vets as well, and it's the Plasma vets that will be looking to make use of the excellent Execution order the Mordians have. The Melta vets have recently been given mining gear and shotguns to go in my new breaching drill :)

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The fact that flamer costs the same of plasma does not mean it sucks. I am very satisfied with my 47 pts speed bump flamer units, they always repay their cost.

Also, with the annoying proliferation of -1 to be hit armies, flamer has an added bonus. 


Plasma is for my back-line infantry squads, which are Cadian with lascannon teams.

Front line is held by flamer Catachans, and for their cost you cannot really complain of how they absorb charges.


Plus, plasma spamming is for losers :dry.:

Edited by Feral_80
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Most -1 to Hit forces get it from further than 12", which means the Flamer isn't really an advantage in that regard. At the range a Flame Trooper could burn a squad, a Plasma Trooper could fire two shots with no negative modifiers. Pus a Plasma squad is still a 47pt speed bump, that's my point. You can't use the argument of cheapness when they cost the same. :)


Plus I find it kinda snarky to be called a loser for running Plasma by someone mixing Regiments for advantage, but each to their own. I'm just noting that an average of 0.6 dead Tactical Marines per Flamer overwatch with only one in the squad very rarely halts or scares my opponents away. ¯\_()_/¯


I was debating building a Flamer Veteran team, but other than Shotgun + Chimera party bus, I couldn't really think of a use for them. I'm running 2x Flamer SWS at the moment and they're doing work though.

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You missed the irony of the 'loser'. I too use plasmas of course, I simply don't like to spam them and I believe it is useful in tactical terms and overall 'nice' for an army to be diversified.


As for mixing regiments: if someone considers mixing regiments as fishing for advantages, (s)he should probably go back to playing the index, because that is *exactly* the point of the current codex. Bonus: having different regiments is also a much more interesting and funny way to play compared to the old conscript-spam or to the boring-as-death all-Cadian static line, so again no point to debate here.


As for 47 plasma squads: yes in theory, just as mathammer. But then you play a real game and realize that well, why not synergize that plasma gun with a plasma pistol. And why you are at it, why not dedicate an officer to improve 2 of thse squads, since you'll obviously want to reroll 1s when you overcharge. And then, why not field them as Cadians and add a heavy weapon, since they'll be standing still anyway? On the other hand, a 47-pt flamer squad does its job as it is, and forces your opponent to do some less than obvious choices when firing. As for the over 12" range for -1 hit armies, just wait a week and you'll see.


I too use flamers in sws and enjoy them. As Catachans, with their special order, jumping out of a Valkyrie/Chimera assault they deal quite a lot of damage, and they are my best distraction unit. Deploy them in cover, and between the flamer and the Catachan stratagem (not that great, but a nice psychological threat) I found that many opponents will often find it unattractive to charge them, and will be quite unhappy to 'waste' fire to shoot them.

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