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=][= Unit(s) of the week: Infantry Squads =][=


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. But I'm fine with that because I hate moving. Really, really hate moving (we use too many models for a fully mobile army and healthy backs.)

That’s why I just bought my sixth chimera. Going to run a 100PL Armageddon force and the transports, funnily enough, actually help me the player get my models across the board more easily.

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. But I'm fine with that because I hate moving. Really, really hate moving (we use too many models for a fully mobile army and healthy backs.)

That’s why I just bought my sixth chimera. Going to run a 100PL Armageddon force and the transports, funnily enough, actually help me the player get my models across the board more easily.



I don't know, I think 7th was better for that. When a Chimera explodes, the troops inside can really be propelled quite far. :biggrin.:


Also, could you perhaps post your list? I'm interested in running an Armageddon army myself sometime and it would be helpful to see what others are running.

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  • 3 months later...

So it's been 4 months since the last post on here and 8th edition is chugging along. How have people been using their infantry squads?


I like the idea of grenade launchers because I don't want to buy plasma bits. Any thoughts on loadout and special weapons? I'm sure different strokes for different regiments.

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Still going cheap at the moment. 4 Squads with Bolter and Grenade Launcher. Never let me down yet!


I've starting to think that adding a Heavy Weapon would be a decent idea. My HWS's are being targeted early now most games so it would keep my Lascannons alive a bit longer. I like to get my Infantry up into the middle of the table to get in the way and take objectives though...


Currently still think HWS's with 2 Autocannons or Heavy Bolters and 1 Lascannon, then cheap Infantry squads as above is best though.

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I keep my screening units bare bones. They are there just for that and if they survive, cool. But then again, I've moved to only giving my other squads boltguns on the Sarge and a plasma gun. I also run Catachans so I tend to play fairly aggressive.


As far as CC goes, it is actually pretty fun. I really enjoy how cerebral it is. I love the mamorph Tuskblade on a Commander with a priest and Straken in tow. Most people go straight for Straken and the Relic blade ends up ruining the opponents night.


Catachans can get really sneaky with Fix Bayonets! order. I love surprising people with that, finishing off a unit, then shooting, and assaulting all over again. It's not easy to pull off and it never works against a good melee unit or army, but when it works it just steamrolls!

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