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Dread's WIP


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I decided to start a WIP than keep posting everything in the BA Today post :P.


Today was a productive day. Firstly, I fixed my priest's wings.





Then I made a Blood Champion.





Finally I made the sergeant for the company veterans squad, with combi plasma and power fist.





And here is the entire veteran squad, waiting to be primed.



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Ye, I noticed those lines as I was uploading, there gone already!


I glued some extra plastic chips from the sprues on the bases of the wings before attaching them on the jump pack, they came out quite sturdy. I've lost some minor detail, but I think I would anyway since the priest's back doesnt have the special bases for wings that the guards have. Nothing colours wont hide I think.



edit : After some examination, the right one is flicking a tiny bit with some finger pressure, but I'll wait the night before I can say for sure.

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My Sanguinary guard, two axes, two swords, two angelus bolters and two plasma pistols.





Only the ancient left to be built now, and then the dreaded priming with corax white!

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Had a change of heart and decided to change the 2 plasma pistols to angelus bolters aswell. I figured every model had to have either one or the other. Probably I'm gonna make a second squad, only with plasma pistols.




I made a mess with the glue on one of the models, so I had to change the position of the shooting arm to cover the glue stains. No more two shooting two weapons down symetry, but at least I saved the model from my :cuss up.

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  • 7 months later...

I'm really behind on my painting, I tried to do some base coating but the weather is terrible and ruined half the minis, I had to paintstrip 3 sanguinary guard. I dont wanna do that ever again. So while I'm waiting for the weather to get hotter and drier I've built 4 more sanguinary guards, a baal predator, 5 tacticals, 5 assault without jump packs, and now I'm about to start a new assault squad with jump packs. I wont try spraying before the  temperature goes to 25 C. (currently -2 and humid...).

Edited by dread05
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