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So I've been using my ponies, during 8th edition. They are solidly mediocre. (Caveat is they have fought Necrons). The biggest issue is that they have rubber lances. Or to better phrase. At 5-6 Man their lances only hit 3-4 times and wound 2-3 times killing a marine equivalent. However they have two wounds and put out a solid number of attacks. A 5 Man Squad will put out 16 Attacks. 6 of which are Lances. Counting Pistols 21 Attacks. All in all not too shabby. However, the lack of Mounted Officers bar Krieg. And of those 16 attacks, only 6 are Lances (if you charge). Means your damage output will kill 2 Marines maybe.


So Riders cannot kill MSU MEQ. (While I fought Crons if I looked at how I rolled overall the scenerio would not change). What they are excellent vs in theory is mass T3. As Lances will kill 2 (more like 1.84 or 1.66). The additional attacks of S3 begin to make their mark. As 5 hits. 2.5 wounds. Anywhere between another 1-3 dead (depending on save). Which is 4-5 Dead. Meaning if only 4 die, enemy LD 8 say 8. That is another 33% chance to kill another. Gives a charging Riders 4.5 dead. And then the following turn if you use 2 Riders. We will kill another 1-3. Which while not breaking a conscript horde. It will break units like Avengers or similar types in the backfield. Especially if your ponies are massed. And/or properly supported.

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It seems that Riders need to be brought in a full squad of 10 to have the damage output. Keep in mind that 10 rough riders not a whole lot more than 5 marines, I guess that's fair enough. They have more staying power than previously and with judicious use of command points can reliably charge out of reserves.


The one time I used them, I brought 8 and charged some Shining Spears. My rolling was absolutely atrocious, comically so, but they still took down a couple on their charge before getting horribly butchered. I could see that the potential was there.


More data is needed, but I would suggest using them in larger units. At least they are not one-use anymore.

Also, and just to confirm, if we take a mounted Krieger character from FW then the RRs need to be Krieger too in order to receive any bonus, but by doing so we lose the options for special weapons (which if I'm reading correctly, is the main difference between the two types of RRs - GW is special weapons, FW is better combat)?

Ive been using three 5man squads and rolling them together like they were one big squad. Its enough of a threat that they cant be ignored. I killed two wounded hellbrutes with them. Then watched as Typhus killed 4 of them with his attacks, and the last one failed his morale. I almost snuck a warlord kill in my second game with them, they werent quite as successful that time around. But they did manage to tie up his warlord, a truck, and 20 ork boys. And it forced him to push his stuff further into his deployment zone than Im sure he wanted to be. Even though I only dropped a couple of wounds on his warlord, and killed a handful of orks, but with two wounds each, it took him at least 3 rounds to kill them all.


I will say I think they would work better as 10man squads. If only for morale purposes. And its only a 100pts w/hunting lances. If I were to equip them with special weapons, I'd go melta for the extra threat and damage output. You want to hunt multi-wound targets with them anyways and that would make them great monster/light-vehicle/non-uber HQ hunters.

Edited by Gloomfoe

"If only for morale purposes", a high model count is a negative. A big squad can have issues engaging with all of its models but nothing is stopping you from running several units as one big "squad". This also acts as insurance against bad charge rolls. With 3 chances you'll definitely get something in there.


Where it does become a factor is counter attack stratagems, they can be brutal if you've charged an assaulty unit.

I think their use is as a bodyguard/nuisance unit. I brought 2 squads of 5 against blood angels, 1 getting slaughtered 1st turn by a stormraven. The other did exactly what i wanted which was mopping up the remnants of a death company squad. I think with a smart player behind them they can be very useful.


Havn't flanked them yet so I can't say how effective it would be. By the sounds of it, running a full squad is risky since a failed charge is certain death. But if run as MSU they could show up in your opponents back line and charge their fire support units if only just to force a fall back move.

I've been running a 10 man with flamers. so far used them twice out of reserves. First time they made their charge and hit a Vanguard Vet squad from behind. Poor rolling so only killed 2 but we're talking really really poor rolling here... They helped tie up a few units after that so were solid but unspectacular.


Second time I really didn't think about their placement and they were charged by a Squad of Chosen. Killed 3 with overwatch from the Flamers mind you which near enough made them worth it. Then were butchered in two turns killing one more Chosen.


Certainly better than they were, useful for the Outflank and high movement, potentially powerful if you charge and don't roll lots of 1's. Also a great way to fill out those Fast Attack options for a Brigade. I like them!

Rough Riders really don't want to engage with heavily armoured opponents.

They have to few attacks with their lances at mediocre WS to make an impact, and the chainsword attacks/hooves don't really pose much of a threat to a MEQ.

They also have to few attacks (and poor strenght) to pose a real threat to most monsters and vehicles, since they will only hit on 4's and wound on 5's against T6+.


Vs. targets with a 4+ or worse save (and pref. T3, but up to T5 works) they shine, especially as a counter-charge unit.

At the end of the day, they are quite cheap for what you get: 10 of them is only 100 pts and 20 wounds, even at T3 5+, is quite alot.

If you're looking for more Oomph, you might consider getting some DKOK Death Riders.

Point for point, they are better offensively against...well everything, and they are more tanky against low Str (4 and below) attacks.

They're more vulnerable to S5+ and D2+ attacks though, since you'll have fewer of them and they dont get their "FnP" against S5+.

Yes, Death Riders pack a lot more ooph.  A squad of 10 statistically gets 6 D3 damage rolls past T4/Sv3+ with its lances alone.  The horses then should kick another couple to death.


Against T6-9, they cause 4.5 wounds with lances and 4.3 wounds with horses before saves.  Not spectacular, but can wipe out lighter stuff like dreadnoughts or Sentinels as long as you don't roll like gak.

I've been running rough riders for over a decade, I think one key thing to remember is that they are guard,they are gonna die and are cheap. So use them as a fire and forget weapon. At 100pts for a whole squadron even if they only kill a few marines they are pretty much making their points up and forcing your opponent to either waste shooting or assualts on them. Also remember we can now field 50 in a brigade,,,,(into the valley rode the,,,,,,,,,) 

Interesting thoughts from everyone, I am looking forward to trying some more combos with Rough Riders. I've always defaulted to larger units (so that they'd actually get into combat) but in 8th, MSU tactics may be effective for 'riders for reasons noted.

Another argument for the MSU approach is that you do not pay any extra points for the Sgt.  It costs the exact same amount for 2x5-man squads as one 10-man squad.  This nets you an extra attack and another power weapon/plasma pistol, and in the case of regular Rough Riders, 2 more special weapon slots.  You could use them as outflanking and speedy special weapon squads instead of melee units if you wanted.

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