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FW Forces of Chaos FAQ up

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Most notable items from my first look through:


The contemptor and Leviathan now have the option for dual dakka


World Eaters & Emperor's Children can take anything with the appropriate mark


Thousand Sons and Death Guard can take anything with the appropriate mark except rapiers and hellwrights.


If I were a WE or EC children player, I would shy away from rapiers & wrights as well, since it's likely you'll lose access when your legion is eventually redone with its own cult-only codex.


Chaos can take vindicator laser destroyers, but you'll have to buy the loyalist marine FW index for the dataslate.  Hopefully they'll just release it online eventually...



They did not fix the transport entries to mention Cult of Destruction models separately yet.  At the moment a strict reading has them treated as normal infantry for Dreadclaws and the like, though that's obviously not intended.

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Necrosius still has the wrong faction keyword *facepalm*.


Also, <LEGION> units declared as The Tainted cannot also be Death Guard, even though the former is a warband of the latter... same issue for Mamon Transfigured...


Look again for Mamon. His keywords have changed, he's now "The Tainted" and "Death Guard."

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Wow! Faith rewarded... 


Sonic Dreadnoughts return with Twin Blastmasters and a Doom Siren. 


Things shall get loud now!



I'm not an Emperor's Children player and never will be, but even I'm happy they brought back Sonic Dreadnoughts.  They were always visually striking and very thematic!

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Necrosius still has the wrong faction keyword *facepalm*.


Also, <LEGION> units declared as The Tainted cannot also be Death Guard, even though the former is a warband of the latter... same issue for Mamon Transfigured...

Look again for Mamon. His keywords have changed, he's now "The Tainted" and "Death Guard."

Yeah Zufhor is World Eater like he should be.


Happy to see FW Legion work as it should. Do these Faq also apply to GW content?

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Necrosius still has the wrong faction keyword *facepalm*.


Also, <LEGION> units declared as The Tainted cannot also be Death Guard, even though the former is a warband of the latter... same issue for Mamon Transfigured...

Look again for Mamon. His keywords have changed, he's now "The Tainted" and "Death Guard."
I'm aware, but that's not the issue. I'm glad they fixed Mamon anyway.


The Tainted are a sub-faction of Death Guard, that's what the Vraks books said. If FW are going to include warband keywords as well as the originating Legion ones, they why can't the warband also benefit from the keyword of their original Legion? Aside from Mamon and (incorrectly) Necrosius, nothing else can be both <THE TAINTED> and <DEATH GUARD>.


See what I mean now?


*edit* Regarding Mamon, the issue I was referring to was having a buff that isn't very useful - sure you could run a standard Nurgle-based force and declare your <LEGION> as the Tainted - but you lose out on all the Death Guard perks and exclusive units. It doesn't make sense!

Edited by Mister Feral
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I'm a happy Nurgling :D I can once again use my laser destroyer vindicators and what's even better is that Death Guard can take them even though they can't take normal ones:D


Just sad I will need the space marine index book just to run the laser destroyer :( unless I can find someone with the actual book who wont mind taking a photo

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There has been a change to the machina malifica special rule.  Before, units with that rule couldn't heal by other means on the same turn that they used the rule, now units with that rule cannot heal by other means at all, which dramatically reduces their synergy with hellwrights in a rather frustrating and unfun way, imo.

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They need to fix the Keywords for the character's abilities too. Zhufor may have World Eater's now, but his auras still specify SKULLTAKERS.

Could be intended for future unit Keywords though likely will not happen.


Happy FW at least got the Legion design.

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I'm not shocked, mortal wounds are really good, but yeah, that's a pretty painful jump, especially for anyone who as going to mount two of them on something.  Still, since they raised the price that much, it's kind of surprising the ribaudkin's price didn't also go up.

Edited by malisteen
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Until a dedicated thorough chaos book is released there is going to be a ton of house ruling.


I wrote in about the sonic dreads and the Vindis I'm glad they answered with an FAQ. S


Sonic dreads are now worse in melee and shooting, but have gained a lot of mobility. Being able to move and still shoot twice is great, losing rending and gets hot is meh, but losing the chainfist is kind of tricky, but I guess we have hammers and scourges now, going to miss double shots of the doomsiren in overwatch though.


My vindis are worse than they used to be, but still viable. We house ruled them the other day using the Helforged predator profile with points and weapons from the marine index entry. Swapping the appropriate special rules. I'm a little bummed they don't get meaner in cc as they lose wounds, and I'm not sure how the relic and keyword interaction will play out. Still going to need house rules to take I'm thinking.

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Necrosius still has the wrong faction keyword *facepalm*.


Also, <LEGION> units declared as The Tainted cannot also be Death Guard, even though the former is a warband of the latter... same issue for Mamon Transfigured...

Look again for Mamon. His keywords have changed, he's now "The Tainted" and "Death Guard."
I'm aware, but that's not the issue. I'm glad they fixed Mamon anyway.


The Tainted are a sub-faction of Death Guard, that's what the Vraks books said. If FW are going to include warband keywords as well as the originating Legion ones, they why can't the warband also benefit from the keyword of their original Legion? Aside from Mamon and (incorrectly) Necrosius, nothing else can be both <THE TAINTED> and <DEATH GUARD>.


See what I mean now?


*edit* Regarding Mamon, the issue I was referring to was having a buff that isn't very useful - sure you could run a standard Nurgle-based force and declare your <LEGION> as the Tainted - but you lose out on all the Death Guard perks and exclusive units. It doesn't make sense!



I imagine this may be for future use, say another campaign including The Tainted or Skulltakers (in the case of Zhufor). They may even redo the Vraks series for 8th or something more aligned with the current storyline, thus re-using both Warbands. 

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Or FW knows something we don't and the Death Guard codex could easily include something like "these warbands can be taken as <Legion> keywords and still benefit from the Death Guard keyword's rules."


I mean shoot, they already said that Heldrakes, Forgefiends, Maulerfiends, Mutilators, Obliterators, and Possessed can benefit from daemon auras and buffs just because they have the Daemon keyword as a unit descriptor.

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I almost feel like leviathan dreads with dual shooting weapons are overkill, but I'm really tempted to order another gravflux bombard and a couple "butcher cannon arrays." It felt like serendipity when they gave us the Leviathan. I've had one I got for free as a deal sweetener on a trade that I made a year ago. I had very little use for him until now.
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