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Hi everyone


I can't work out quite how saves now work with regards to large AP modifiers to saves, with no clarification from the rulebook:


Normally, If a model is hit and wounded by a weapon with AP-1, a model with a normal 4+ armour save would be forced to save on a 5+ instead, This is clear.


However if a model is hit and wounded with, say a plasma pistol at AP-3, a model with 4+ armour save would be modified to a 7+ save which would be impossible.


My question is; If the latter situation occurs does the targeted model:


A) Suffer a mortal (or otherwise unsavable) wound


B) Be allowed a 6+ save regardless of the AP modifier overtaking the model's save.


Myself and my gaming partner cant find wording to support either option in the rulebook. Can anyone point us to something that would settle this?


Apologies if this has been answered somewhere else, I couldn't find anything on the topic anywhere or in faq.

Thanks in advance.

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Unless I am mistaken, in 8th edition the modifiers are to the dice rolls, not the save value ( unlike previous editions). So in that case, you would need to roll 4+ with a -3 to the roll, making it impossible unless you can add some bonuses or extra dices somehow... mortal wounds are another can of worms entirely.

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Page 7 of the Core Rules / Battle Primer:



Saving Throw: The player commanding the target unit then makes a saving throw by rolling a dice and modifying the roll by the Armour Penetration characteristic of the weapon that caused the damage. For example, if the weapon has an Armour Penetration of -1, then 1 is subtracted from the saving throw roll.


Modifiers change the actual dice roll, not the required save. If a model with a 4+ save is hit by a -3 AP weapon, it doesn't become a 7+ save, it's a 4+ save with a -3 modifier on the dice roll. So even if you roll a 6, after applying the -3 modifier that roll is now a 3 and you failed the save, and you will always fail because there is no way to roll a 7 on a D6.


The only way you can pass this save is if you have a positive modifier, such as +1 from being in cover.


Do not confuse a wound you cannot save with a Mortal Wound, which is one you aren't allowed to make a save against.

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