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FW Walkers, Chaos, and you!

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Well Ladies and Gents of the Dark Gods considering that the FW FAQ is official and we can finally run Thousand Sons, Death Guard, and the rest of the Chaos walkers as intended......


What are you adding?  


I have two Contemptors in my Thousand Sons already and I have been debating getting a Deredeo or perhaps a Leviathan to fill in for some Melee or Ranged punch, anything with high volume shots or high melee output, as this is where Thousand Sons tend to lack.  (looking at you horde and melee armies!)   


Originally (And currently) I have a claw with flamer / Kheres, and a claw with combi / Conversion beamer load out for my dreads, I have been since tempted to swap them for a dual-Kheres load out for volume of fire, and I still dont really know what to swap the conversion beamer for to be honest, Maybe just leave it as a claw since it provides melee kick in a pinch. 


What of Decimators? how does everyone feel regarding them rules wise?   And as a question to the community; Would anyone here object if someone were to use a Mhara Gal as a Decimator engine given the size difference?  the Mhara gal IS as tall, but not quite as wide as a Decimator engine, but I much prefer the Mhara gal (in model) to the Decimator. 

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For models really pick what you want! As long as you communicate about what it is I would personally never reject playing against it.


So far for FW I like the Slaughterfiend but otherwise dont dislike the GW walkers either, at all even. It really depends on an overall army and cost balance in 8th is something that is done well.

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I'm a bit disappointed that Bloodslaughterers are now individual units rather than 1 - 3. I have 2 and they wreck face quite effectively as a pair but I haven't used them yet in 8th.
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Decimators are significantly larger than Contemptors, and depending on how the legs are posed, can be very tall. Personally, I wouldn't have an issue with this but in a competitive gaming environment I can see players not being as forgiving.


As for effectiveness, Decimators with 2 x Soulburners were excellent, but post FAQ, they are now significantly more expensive. I feel like they are a touch too expensive now, especially for armies that have a wider range of unit options. ie Khorne


As for Contemptor, I have one with double Kheres and one with double CCW. I prefer my Contemptors specialised for either CCW or Shooting because as an EC player I now have access to Sonic Dreads that are decent as a dual purpose dread.

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The Decimator even with the FAQ points is still viable as it is 210 and can put the MW's out well. The least you will get is 4 shots on a 3+ so likely 3 MW per turn minimum. 


I am looking to support my Decimator with a Contemptor with a chain fist + soul burner and either an exco plasma cannon or a Kheres assult cannon. 

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Decimators are significantly larger than Contemptors, and depending on how the legs are posed, can be very tall. Personally, I wouldn't have an issue with this but in a competitive gaming environment I can see players not being as forgiving.


As for effectiveness, Decimators with 2 x Soulburners were excellent, but post FAQ, they are now significantly more expensive. I feel like they are a touch too expensive now, especially for armies that have a wider range of unit options. ie Khorne


As for Contemptor, I have one with double Kheres and one with double CCW. I prefer my Contemptors specialised for either CCW or Shooting because as an EC player I now have access to Sonic Dreads that are decent as a dual purpose dread.

Yeah, Decimators are roughly Leviathan-height I think. I built one out of a Defiler turret/head and front legs/claws with Helbrute arms up top. The muzzles from the Rhino/Predator combi-flamer fit neatly in the palms of the Helbrute fists and I attached the big wicked blades from the old IG dozer blade to each finger to make siege claws.


I built mine for 7th, when the only really efficient build was the default dual flamers/claws and it could deep strike. Nowadays, I still like it because it's cheap and I can Advance and flame things if I need to.

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Decimators with stormlasers look pretty great after the soulburner nerf. They're a great anti-infantry dakkadread, putting out 10 str6 -2ap shots at 24" AND they're assault weapons, meaning the decimator can move and shoot accurately, something most other weapon platforms cant do. And they're only the cost of a regular helbrute!

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I just picked up a pair of contemptors. I like them cheap n' cheerful, so generally that is twin heavy bolters and kheres. Likely going to magnetize the weaponry so I can swap between claws, kheres, heavy bolters and the occasional butcher cannon.

As for the Mhara Gal, I would consider raising its profile by having it stand on wreckage, potentially astride a shattered loyalist dreadnought. Then you aren't open to criticism for taking a midget decimator :tongue.:

Edited by Azekai
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Ever since the rules dropped I have been using two contemptors with fist and kheres. Seeing as my dreads tend to get into fights I'm not too fussed with one gun and close combat weapon, and contemptors are pretty good in a scrap (4++, strength 14, 3 damage).


Cheap and cheerful

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I'm toying with a list that will include two twin fist/soulburner Contemptors...pricey but it looks pretty good on paper, not sure how it'll do in practice...general tactics will be to just move and advance while shooting until they get into combat while, two more really ugly threats the enemy has to focus their shooting on immediately; they'll be able to do double duty as general close/mid-range shooting support with the burners, of course. Any experience with this configuration?


Should note that a soulburner/claw Decimator has the same number of shots and attacks (albeit slightly weaker attacks, with lower BS and WS) at a considerably cheaper price, so if the other combo works out this may be something to look into as well...

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Have used a leviathan in a few games, the first game my opponent underestimated it and it tore up half this army with grav bombard and siege drill.  The last two times I have used it, he was focused on by the entire army and did nothing but the rest of my army was pretty much doing whatever it wanted.


Blood slaughterers are also very nice, used two in my last game, one went 2 round with a knight and killed it in the end (it was about half dead, the knight, when the fight started) the other got smashed by some super daemon.  They are also fast attack now, and that has never been a section that I had a lot to put in, so they have the perfect slot.

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Yeah, Decimators are roughly Leviathan-height I think. I built one out of a Defiler turret/head and front legs/claws with Helbrute arms up top. The muzzles from the Rhino/Predator combi-flamer fit neatly in the palms of the Helbrute fists and I attached the big wicked blades from the old IG dozer blade to each finger to make siege claws.





I built mine for 7th, when the only really efficient build was the default dual flamers/claws and it could deep strike. Nowadays, I still like it because it's cheap and I can Advance and flame things if I need to.



The Decimator is taller. But alot depends on how you pose the legs. I built mine all hunched over because I was using them as Maulerfiends back in early 6th.

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As for effectiveness, Decimators with 2 x Soulburners were excellent, but post FAQ, they are now significantly more expensive. I feel like they are a touch too expensive now, especially for armies that have a wider range of unit options. ie Khorne.

How are they more expensive post FAQ? The only change I noted was removing Titanic as a keyword. Am I missing something?





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As for effectiveness, Decimators with 2 x Soulburners were excellent, but post FAQ, they are now significantly more expensive. I feel like they are a touch too expensive now, especially for armies that have a wider range of unit options. ie Khorne.

How are they more expensive post FAQ? The only change I noted was removing Titanic as a keyword. Am I missing something?






They changed the point value of the soulburner to 60 from 30. so a Decimator is now 210 points including 2 of them. Which is still not that bad but if you had them in a list at 150 points its a kicker! Only PL8 so is excellent value in a Power level game.


But they can put out the hurt! 

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With the FAQ Machina Malefica also changed a bit...

They removed the text about excluding overwatch, and seem to change it so that the model can't be healed by anything else at any time. 


I'm not too comfortable with the rules yet, but I thought that overwatch happened in the charge phase, so it wouldn't count towards Machina Malefica anyways?

Or do I have it wrong and did we just get the ability to count overwatch kills for healing?


If not, does this just make hellwrights a bit less useful for Dread heavy lists?

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I'm a bit disappointed that Bloodslaughterers are now individual units rather than 1 - 3. I have 2 and they wreck face quite effectively as a pair but I haven't used them yet in 8th.

They are much faster now though, I really like them. Eight S10 Ap-3 D3 attacks that become 10 against infantry is insane.
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As for effectiveness, Decimators with 2 x Soulburners were excellent, but post FAQ, they are now significantly more expensive. I feel like they are a touch too expensive now, especially for armies that have a wider range of unit options. ie Khorne.


How are they more expensive post FAQ? The only change I noted was removing Titanic as a keyword. Am I missing something?



They changed the point value of the soulburner to 60 from 30. so a Decimator is now 210 points including 2 of them. Which is still not that bad but if you had them in a list at 150 points its a kicker! Only PL8 so is excellent value in a Power level game.


But they can put out the hurt!

Thanks I had missed that. All of my games so far have been power level games so I hadn't really paid attention to the points.





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I have:


- 2x Blood Slaughterers

- 1x Contemptor, gonna run it with fist/chainfist/dual soulburners in a Dreadclaw

- 1x Leviathan, gonna buy all arms and magnetize them, convert up CCW since I'm not a fan of the claws (especially the chain claws)

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Hey Riptides used to over preform too man, and heldrakes before that, and now the guys with like 10 are feeling silly.


Something to consider.

Yeah dude, never buy anything in case it becomes bad.


Nothing is forever but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have fun while it lasts.

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