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FW Walkers, Chaos, and you!

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Hey Riptides used to over preform too man, and heldrakes before that, and now the guys with like 10 are feeling silly.

Something to consider.


Yeah dude, never buy anything in case it becomes bad.

Nothing is forever but that doesn't mean you shouldn't have fun while it lasts.

I think he means that spending hundreds of dollars on a model just for powergaming is not a good investment. At any point they can be nerfed and you'll end up with very expensive paperweights.


If you genuinely like the models and their fluff though, it will never be a problem, which is why many people advice purchasing based on those two factors instead of cheese potential.


Just my 2c

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All I am saying is 'don't buy the current strong thing because it might get nerfed' is silly. Get whatever you want and have fun... which sounds pretty similar to your message, @Berzerker88. Some people have fun with cool stories or minis, and others have fun with dopey cheese. Not exactly my cup of tea, but hey. 

It also strikes me as somewhat shortsighted to hold off on getting units that catch your eye due to fear over nerfs. On a long enough timetable, just about everything goes through cycles of viability.* Heldrakes were good, then there was a noted dip in their performance after their MEQ-slaughtering gun got nerfed. Now they are dangerous again with that auto-hitting high strength baleflamer. My Daemon Princes were godlike in 4th/5th and terrible in 6th and 7th when they lost Eternal Warrior and started getting blown to putrid giblets. Now they are a very fun to use. I never regretted buying them though. 

*Except possessed :P

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Hell I started converting chaos versions of the different Heresy units (Leviathan, Deredero etc) well before we chaos even got 40K rules. I just simply just loved converting the different units to Nurgle getting the rules to actually field them in my 40k force was just a bonus, even if they got bad I'd still keep using them as they simply are awesome models
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Im saying don't buy 5-10 of the current strong thing and assume it will always be so. Moderation and all that noise, especially with this "living ruleset" GW could theoretically patch/faq/erratta on a weekend whim.
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Moderation and all that noise, especially with this "living ruleset" GW could theoretically patch/faq/erratta on a weekend whim.

That is a fair point. Once, you could be relatively sure after a codex dropped that you were set for the next 2+ years. It also used to be that FAQ's hardly ever touched points costs either (barring misprints, typos, ect). Now re-balances may come at any time... we are in uncharted waters and the old world is gone.


@Azekai What is possessed and mutilators... Best not to bother.

Dude, preach. The entry for mutilators is mind-shatteringly bad. I have a converted one lying around that I am fond of but I have never had the audacity to use it... Maybe I will squeeze him in next game just for the sheer absurdity of having a speed 4 assault-only unit. I will tell my Khornate opponent that he should field his possessed and I will take a few mutilators and it can be a race to the bottom :rolleyes:

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