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yeah, the primaris mini dex says the helmet colour is based on battlefield role. So hellblasters are support and get blue, intercessors are battleline so get red and inceptors are assault so get yellow (exact name of roles may be off). Oh and veterans get gold, which PROBABLY means sergeants should have gold, but I personally have stuck with blue/red/yellow for sergeants and kept gold for lieutenants.

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yeah, the primaris mini dex says the helmet colour is based on battlefield role. So hellblasters are support and get blue, intercessors are battleline so get red and inceptors are assault so get yellow (exact name of roles may be off). Oh and veterans get gold, which PROBABLY means sergeants should have gold, but I personally have stuck with blue/red/yellow for sergeants and kept gold for lieutenants.


I've always played that veteran units get gold helms, same for the members of the command squad ... but a veteran sergeant in a tactical squad I still give a red helm. But then I always give them a shoulder pad on the right arm that has the crux terminanus symbol on it to represent their veteran status.

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I think it best to ignore their position in the FOC and decide based on their role. Reivers are elites but clearly assault troops and not veterans. That said...Hellblasters are tough. I personally consider them a subset of tactical marine and go red, but I totally see the Devestator side of the argument. Also I run a DIY successor Chapter so it's easier for me to be flexible. There are still those gravis guys with the rocket shoulders rumored to be out there, so that makes the choice even trickier for me.
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So in regards to black trim, I actually have a special thing going. Not cannon but something to consider.


My basic army is set up as 6th company. It is a reserve company so I paint their shoulder pad trim black (actually due to 3rd edition black trim syndrome) to denote they are not a battle company. Semi-recently, I painted up a squad of Meltacide assault marines without trim. This is because I already have 2 full assault marines squads for the 6th company. So the extra meltacide squads are from the 2nd company which did not receive black trim due to them being from a battle company instead of the reserve company.


The other weird thing I do is that instead of painting helmets on my 6th company marines, I put a stripe to indicate that they are essentially tactical marines who strap on equipment when they need to fill a role. This is totally something I came up with but I justify it as the reserve companies are essentially tactical squads.

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One of the justifications I heard ages ago is that black trim is the 'on parade' scheme - but gets left off for combat units, as simpler to maintain in the field. Which would fit nicely into putting it on reserve companies.


I'm tempted to put it on the 'new boys' primaris though with their factory fresh gear.

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One of the justifications I heard ages ago is that black trim is the 'on parade' scheme - but gets left off for combat units, as simpler to maintain in the field. Which would fit nicely into putting it on reserve companies.


I'm tempted to put it on the 'new boys' primaris though with their factory fresh gear.


It helps break up the red a bit so I can get behind that.

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I think it best to ignore their position in the FOC and decide based on their role. Reivers are elites but clearly assault troops and not veterans. That said...Hellblasters are tough. I personally consider them a subset of tactical marine and go red, but I totally see the Devestator side of the argument. Also I run a DIY successor Chapter so it's easier for me to be flexible. There are still those gravis guys with the rocket shoulders rumored to be out there, so that makes the choice even trickier for me.

I want to say that GW has hellblasters in blue helmets.

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Always wanted to quote someone that was quoting themselves!


Also, I think they would follow the codex rules as they were with Gullyweed during that whole crusade. I think more chapter specific rules would slowly start to take over as the primaris started to spend more time with their older brothers from their chapter but I imagine there might even be a little chaffing from it. Gullyweed wouldn't know about all the special things that all the different chapters do. 


I imagine that most chapters are accepting the Primaris with a grain of salt. They really need the reinforcements but view them kind of like outsiders initially. My Primaris Flesh Tearers are going to adopt the Black helmets on the normal troops and will use the helmet colors for heavy/veteran/assault elsewhere but are also going to be mainly ranged focused which goes against a lot of what the Flesh Tearers are. But the Primaris have not been around the Flesh Tearers much yet and would not have that hunger for blood yet.

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