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I imagine that most chapters are accepting the Primaris with a grain of salt. They really need the reinforcements but view them kinda like outsiders initially.

This reminded me of something that made me laugh. I remember reading how unusually tall people get freaked out when they meet even taller people. There was this guy in a shop who was like 6' 3" or something, and then a guy walks in who was like 6' 7". The first guy became so uncomfortable he had to leave the shop! He was just so used to being taller than everyone else it just freaked him out!


I wonder if that's how regular Space Marines feel now xD

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This reminded me of something that made me laugh. I remember reading how unusually tall people get freaked out when they meet even taller people. There was this guy in a shop who was like 6' 3" or something, and then a guy walks in who was like 6' 7". The first guy became so uncomfortable he had to leave the shop! He was just so used to being taller than everyone else it just freaked him out!


I wonder if that's how regular Space Marines feel now xD



This is true. I'm 6'2" and there is a dude that is around 6'6" at my work and when I stand next to him I'm really uncomfortable. It just feels.... wrong.

Edited by Aothaine
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I imagine that most chapters are accepting the Primaris with a grain of salt. They really need the reinforcements but view them kinda like outsiders initially.

This reminded me of something that made me laugh. I remember reading how unusually tall people get freaked out when they meet even taller people. There was this guy in a shop who was like 6' 3" or something, and then a guy walks in who was like 6' 7". The first guy became so uncomfortable he had to leave the shop! He was just so used to being taller than everyone else it just freaked him out!


I wonder if that's how regular Space Marines feel now xD


It works in the inverse, too. I'm 5'7" and in my 20's (growing is definitely finished), so generally the shortest guy in the room and it does feel weird if I'm not (excepting, of course, younger people still going through their developmental stages.


Space marines now get to know how the Guard feel craning their necks up all the time and Guard get to know how Squats felt/Ratlings feel.

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When I started it was all black trim. When I restarted my BA, I did one unit with black trim...then never again.


I now decide on a model by model basis when detailing the army. A model that performs well in battle might get the decoration, either black, or some other trim design.


Hell blasters will definitely be getting blue helms, inceptors yellow.

Edited by Xenith
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One of the justifications I heard ages ago is that black trim is the 'on parade' scheme - but gets left off for combat units, as simpler to maintain in the field. Which would fit nicely into putting it on reserve companies.


I'm tempted to put it on the 'new boys' primaris though with their factory fresh gear.


It's pretty much the original explanation for the variance in trim:




Was discussed a little further a while back, here - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/248036-squad-markings/?p=3004494

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